Well, a couple days ago on the 22nd, I had another litter born! This time, the litter was from Ophelia(**** beige) and she was bred to Etcetera. This is Ophelia's first litter and since she is an absolute doll, I was really worried. While she was pregnant, she kept walking up to my hand and resting her belly on my hand. When she's not pregnant, she usually walks up to my hand and holds it while I give her belly rubs and she was just absolutely miserable being pregnant. I did a new thing this year and paired up "virgin" mothers so they could help raise each other's kits. Ophelia is in with Toffee Nut who had A8 on the 19th and he has been nursing on both of them which made Ophelia's milk come in earlier. Thank goodness it did!
A14-Emilia beige female
A15-Celia beige female
A16-ibid beige male
ibid is a tiny little thing. He weighed in at 31g when I found him and just terrifies me with how small he feels and looks. Thankfully, he is now at 33g and will hopefully continue gaining! Anytime I go in there, each mom has two babies nursing and all the babies have fat little tummies! Keeping my fingers crossed that A16 continues thriving!
A14-Emilia beige female
A15-Celia beige female
A16-ibid beige male
ibid is a tiny little thing. He weighed in at 31g when I found him and just terrifies me with how small he feels and looks. Thankfully, he is now at 33g and will hopefully continue gaining! Anytime I go in there, each mom has two babies nursing and all the babies have fat little tummies! Keeping my fingers crossed that A16 continues thriving!