A tribute to my old man :)

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Me? Addicted?
Jan 29, 2009
Baltimore, MD
So, I've been doing a lot of thinking. My pets are so special to me, and my chinchillas are especially. Right now they're all pretty young, except for my old man. He's at least 13, maybe older. Yesterday at the show I was talking about him.. and it started to make me wonder just how much longer I have with him. I'm kind of surprised he's made it this far from the care he got from his 2 homes before I got him 10 years ago, and then my care based on bad information and ignorance of a child, with a parent that wouldn't take responsibility. Luckly I wisened up 5 years ago, but I worry what damage could be done. I feel blessed that he's made it this far, and after so much thinking about it, I thought I'd make a tribute to my old man Schroeder in thanking him for so many years and hopefully many more. :))



He's really super looking for his age. I love standards. I've not seen a chin that old. It was nice meeting you at the show! You were helpful sitting behind me tee hee. Interested in the violet boy that was at my feet during the show? I'm afraid your parents might hear him barking though. :hilarious:
Aw what a handsome old man! he looks like he has alot of life in him still!
Oh, he doesn't look a day over 8! :) He looks great and I bet he's too happy with you to think about leaving you for a long time!!
Aww, thank you so much everyone! :)) Schroeder thanks you too! He's still just as lively as ever and is actually one of the "bad" boys that I can't keep in the cage while I feed them, lol.

6Dusters: It was great seeing you too! :)) Yeah, I don't think my mom would like that very much. :p haha.
Wow! Schroeder looks wonderful. May you be blessed with him for many, many more years! I hope that my 2 boys can look and be as strong and live as long as your "old man".