Hi everyone...I know I seldom post on here, but you've all always been a great source of information over the past seven years since we adopted our first chinchilla, C.C. I've never said much about our chins, all of which are rescues, but I don't think tomorrow will be a good day for us, because we believe the state of C.C.'s malo has reached the point where now it's negatively impacting her life. two days ago we noted she was eating less than usual, and so we gave her critical care instead, and we got the first available appointment tomorrow to either find out if it's something minor from the last time her teeth were filed (two weeks ago, the pattern having been once every 60 days for the past 8 months), or whether it's something more serious. today, she's eating far less and definitely looks unhappy. Our 24hr emergency care vet gave us metacam and said to wait for our usual exotic vet. but i don't want to talk about that...i wanted to talk about C.C.
When we adopted CC in early 2008, she was given to us by a vet tech who had acquired her as a surrender from the home of a woman who had kept her in a small 1x3' fishtank instead of a proper cage. When she was acquired by the vet tech, she had reached the point where she was soooo stressed that she had chewed off most of her hair. This woman had obtained C.C. from a breeder in 2006, where she had apparently been a baby breeder for about 6 years. We're unsure of the exact age, as the breeder tag was removed before we thought to pursue it for info. We're fairly certain she's at least 14, based on the info provided by the former owner.
Suffice it to say, she didn't have it easy for those first several years. Anyhow, we adopted C.C. from the vet tech, because her cat, it came to be discovered, was allergic to chins. I like to think we have provided her with a loving home and lots of time and room to play. At our former home, she had the run of the living room while we were home (after much chin-proofing, thanks to all the many tips from this forum!). When we moved, she had an entire room dedicated to her. We then adopted a second rescue after making sure the two of them got along. The second rescue was supposedly fixed. about 115 days later, we learned, yeah, not so much. (A problem quickly rectified...sucker was hiding his goodies very well according to the vet)
C.C. had given birth to a mischevious baby girl we named Sorpresa (Italian for Surprise!) Mother and baby were healthy and happy, but baby was a little underweight, and once again thanks to the many tips recieved here, we knew to baby proof the existing cage and take care of appropriate feeding measures. That was (yikes!) almost 4 years ago, now. Sorpresa is still as rambunctious as ever, and all three of them still curl up in a cuddle puddle to sleep.
Since that time, we've adopted four others from families who could no longer care for their chins and (I think), improved their quality of life dramatically. Though they don't all get along and thus require separate playtimes (one group of three, one group of two, and two individual playtimes), it takes up our entire evening, but I wouldn't have it any other way. considering how skittish all the others were when we first met them, now they don't seem to be happy without spending a few minutes perched on our shoulders, legs, feet, hands, and, for a couple of them, heads.
I know being at least 14 or 15, C.C. seems to be at the high end of average lifespan, but she's only been with us for what seems like such a short time, and also forever. I'm hoping for the best tomorrow, but in a year where we also had to put our aged kitty to sleep as well, part of me is preparing for the worst, malo being what it is. I love her so much, I love them all, and though we have many chins if or when C.C. is to leave us, she'll leave a massive hole in our lives that far exceeds her diminutive stature. I hope she feels like we gave her a better second half to her life than she had a first one.
Thank you all for reading, i just needed somewhere to gush...
When we adopted CC in early 2008, she was given to us by a vet tech who had acquired her as a surrender from the home of a woman who had kept her in a small 1x3' fishtank instead of a proper cage. When she was acquired by the vet tech, she had reached the point where she was soooo stressed that she had chewed off most of her hair. This woman had obtained C.C. from a breeder in 2006, where she had apparently been a baby breeder for about 6 years. We're unsure of the exact age, as the breeder tag was removed before we thought to pursue it for info. We're fairly certain she's at least 14, based on the info provided by the former owner.
Suffice it to say, she didn't have it easy for those first several years. Anyhow, we adopted C.C. from the vet tech, because her cat, it came to be discovered, was allergic to chins. I like to think we have provided her with a loving home and lots of time and room to play. At our former home, she had the run of the living room while we were home (after much chin-proofing, thanks to all the many tips from this forum!). When we moved, she had an entire room dedicated to her. We then adopted a second rescue after making sure the two of them got along. The second rescue was supposedly fixed. about 115 days later, we learned, yeah, not so much. (A problem quickly rectified...sucker was hiding his goodies very well according to the vet)
C.C. had given birth to a mischevious baby girl we named Sorpresa (Italian for Surprise!) Mother and baby were healthy and happy, but baby was a little underweight, and once again thanks to the many tips recieved here, we knew to baby proof the existing cage and take care of appropriate feeding measures. That was (yikes!) almost 4 years ago, now. Sorpresa is still as rambunctious as ever, and all three of them still curl up in a cuddle puddle to sleep.
Since that time, we've adopted four others from families who could no longer care for their chins and (I think), improved their quality of life dramatically. Though they don't all get along and thus require separate playtimes (one group of three, one group of two, and two individual playtimes), it takes up our entire evening, but I wouldn't have it any other way. considering how skittish all the others were when we first met them, now they don't seem to be happy without spending a few minutes perched on our shoulders, legs, feet, hands, and, for a couple of them, heads.
I know being at least 14 or 15, C.C. seems to be at the high end of average lifespan, but she's only been with us for what seems like such a short time, and also forever. I'm hoping for the best tomorrow, but in a year where we also had to put our aged kitty to sleep as well, part of me is preparing for the worst, malo being what it is. I love her so much, I love them all, and though we have many chins if or when C.C. is to leave us, she'll leave a massive hole in our lives that far exceeds her diminutive stature. I hope she feels like we gave her a better second half to her life than she had a first one.
Thank you all for reading, i just needed somewhere to gush...