A new lump

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
The evening of Dec. 25th we got a rather unpleasant Xmas present, we found a new lump on Rose. In a location that doc told us to monitor for recurrence of the mast cell tumor (lymph nodes in her neck on the right side.). The mass was located between where her jaw bone ends and her ear. It felt fairly small. Due to the holidays, we had to wait until the 28th to take Rose into see Doc.

We visited Doc and scheduled Rose for surgery to biopsy/remove the mass; surgery was the 29th.

What doc found was not small like we thought. What we felt was a small portion of the mass that had poked through the muscles. Removal was not as easy of a surgery as we had hoped because of this. Doc brought the tumor in to show me and it looked like it was well encapsulated and was fairly large for its location.

Rose turned 4 in November. For now, Rose is doing OK. She is on antibiotics and Metacam for pain. She is eating, but her activity levels are down (not unexpected). But her spirits are pretty much normal.

Her incision is a little puffy and it looks like it is going to bruise. It starts at the old incision site and runs back towards her neck. I'm including an image below of the incision that was taken the day after surgery in case anyone is interested. It does still have a lot of dried blood on it in this image. A lot of that has come off already.

For now we are hoping that this isn't the MCT coming back and that the lymph nodes were not involved.


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Oh no. Poor Rose. Sending more prayers her way that this lump will be the end of it and she will have a long time left.
Awww. Poor Rose. I hope this is the end of the tumors. Even with the incision she still has a lovely face.
WOW Poor Rose. Sending healing thoughts her way. Even with the scar she is still a beaut! hugs and kisses to her.
For the location, depth, etc of the surgery, she is doing great. Her weight has been holding steady, her activity levels are coming back up to "Rose normal" levels and her appetite is normal. For Rose, a lack of an appetite would freak me out, she has always LOVED food.

We took images last night to compare to the old ones, and it really hasn't changed much. It is still very puffy, a nice pink color at the incision itself and scabbing. Oddly enough I was expecting it to bruise, but there isn't much discoloration of that nature yet. It is very puffy and you can really see it when you compare the two eyes.

We are still waiting on the histopathology report, but I honestly don't expect it until very late this week at the earliest due to the holiday weekend

She has been anointing every time she takes meds. I've been giving her mealworm chasers to try to keep the meds in her instead of on her. This morning instead of anointing, she stared at me as I fumbled the mealworm (dropped it), looked back to her side then back at me. I think it was "Don't make me anoint. I'll do it! I swear I will if you don't hurry up with that bug."
Awww...I'm so glad she's doing well! Hopefully this is the end of it and she can just enjoy cuddling on daddy now, since you are such a bad mommy that dropped her bug. :neener: She is a very lucky hedgie to have such a devoted and diligent family.
Much to my surprise, I had a call from my vet's office yesterday. The histopathology report had come in with the results for the mass and neighboring lymph node. It was a cutaneous mast cell tumor and a lymph node with metastatic mast cell tumor cells.

Rose is still doing wonderfully. This morning the swelling around the incision seems to be down a bit. I'll take images tonight to compare to two days ago to verify, but otherwise the incision looks great and she is acting like Rose.
I still need to discuss with my vet to get a game plan setup. If we go the cancer diet route I will need to buy new foods.

I took pictures, but didn't get a chance to look at them yet on the computer.

Her incision is looking really good to me though. Looks like the pinkness is going away. It definitely is still swollen though as the bottom part of her eye lid looks puffy compared to the other eye.
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