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... and the Dynamic Duo!
Jan 29, 2009
Edmonton, AB
Vette has went home with Adam in July 2006 (ish) and moved to Edmonton with him in September 2007. Since knowing her, she has been an extremely skittish, nervous hedgehog who doesn't like to be touched, handled or spoken to. Simply sitting her on my lap (in a bag) is cause for a huge melt down on her part - hissing, popping, clicking, the works. For months on end, I wouldn't see her face because she'd be tucked in a tight little ball at all times.

Recently, it was like a switch clicked on his her head - she just stopped hissing when I touch her or pet her. I pick her up, and she's looking at me, completely unafraid. If I put my hand in her bag, the first thing she does is check to see what kind of treats I might have - she takes food off my hand!

I'm completely amazed at how rapid the change was. One day, she was scared of the world and the next, Adam mistook her for Cuda because she was out and about, exploring things very bravely. She lets me touch and kiss her face, tummy and feet without so much of a hiss.

I have no idea why she changed her mind about humans so quickly, but I can only hope it's because she finally realized that not everyone will give up on her. The first year+ of her life was spent being shuttled between homes and rescues because no one wanted her. In July, I picked her up from a rescue for Adam, who picked her up the next week. She lived with him until he moved here for school and she came with him so I could take over her care.

I guess it's just proof of what patience and loving care can do for an animal.
That frequently happens with age and unfortunately very often happens with illness, especially when it's a sudden change. I'd keep a close watch on her and hopefully there is nothing wrong and she has just decided you are safe people.
That was my first thought, as well. She did go to the vet last week when Kismet had her follow up (the swelling hasn't come back, thankfully), and she is completely healthy. The vet didn't believe me when I said Vette was friendly, as she curled into a ball and hissed at him.

I'm sure it has something to do with her age, not just the fact that she's finally comfortable, but I'm not going to worry too much since the vet says she is completely healthy. She's no longer shedding quills or rubbing her face on the ground (that was due to a waxy build up in her ears)... she just seems much, much calmer.

Either way, I plan to take advantage of her new found comfort, and cuddle her until she refuses to be cuddled anymore. When I watch TV, she's on one lap and Kismet is on the other, while Cuda is in a pen on the floor, exploring.
Aw, that's so sweet! I'm glad to hear she's letting you have cuddle time - finally! The same switch must have clicked in Ron's head too, because she's been letting me snuggle her too - gradually we've gone from 5 minutes for feeding time to hours and hours of cuddling. I have to ask... do you find Vette to be really warm when you cuddle her? Ronnie puts off so much heat - it's hard to believe it's all coming from one little animal.
Not particularly... I mean, not any warmer than the other hogs. I find she is marginally warmer now that the summer months are rolling in, but it seems like a normal body temperature because the other two feel slightly warmer also. If anything, it seems that Kismet is the one who puts off the heat. That may be me paying closer attention because she's the very cuddly hog who is always snuggled against my chest when we're cuddling.

Hemi used to be extraordinarily warm, though.