A goofy dream last night

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
People into analyzing dreams will love this one. Last night I dreamt that I went to the hospital to visit Ted Kennedy. I brought with me a canvas duffle bag. With a zippertop. Inside the duffle were Trixie (my chin), Scooter (my guinea pig who died 4 years ago) and a mouse. ( I have never owned a mouse). During my travels with the duffle 'o' critters, the mouse somhow escaped into the hospital. I then came home with Scooter and Trixie. have fun with this one. :thumbsup:
Did you fall asleep watching CNN or Fox News?

I have no idea of why anyone would have a dream like that one. But, I have strange dreams about the animals all the time. Mine usually involve trying to keep the chins cool or trying to corral a bunch of animals that have all gotten loose.

I do wonder if any of that means anything. Maybe there's an expert on dreams so you could be told what your subconscious is telling you!
My dream last night was about being stuck without a car and I couldn't get home. Then this morning I woke up to a loud crash. Some kids racing down the street hit the front of my Tahoe :cry3: They were just going to leave it and hope no one found out. We caught them in time. They were 15, driving their dad's car who is out of town, and lived next door :banghead:. How would we have not found out? No insurance on their half. We now have a court date next week to see if we are going to get money. My Tahoe is not salvageable. :cry3:. But on a lighter note, I'll be picking up a black 1998 Camaro sometime this week ;)

Maybe dreams do mean something, or maybe I have some awesome mind reading skills :hmm:
Oh my...that is horrible! How on earth are kids racing down your street? That's a pretty tiny little curvy road right before your house!

I hope you get money for your Tahoe...that's so not fair. The problem with the Camaro is that you won't be able to move larger things like you could in the Tahoe. My brother had one of those Camaros and really liked it, it's a fun car to drive!

Awwww...I'm sorry that you had to go through that! The parents of these kids had better step up and pay for that.

I had someone steal my car on one of my delivery trips. I found my poor wagon slammed into a fence. It really sucks to find out that someone has violated your property like that. (Sorry if I already told you that story, Brit...I only have like four stories to tell and that's one of them.)
Apparently they were trying to "drift" and my street was perfect for that I guess. They said they misjudged it and "drifted" into my Tahoe. Uhg. The parents won't be back until next week and that’s what we have the court date for. Not just for the wreck but the kids were driving without a license and basically stole the car. It's more for them than me.
I went on www.dreammoods.com and did a search for the main components of your dream. Some of them were long shots but I still found them interesting.

For Ted Kennedy I searched a bunch of different aspects of his life since his name was not in the search. But I did read he was the "Lion of the Senate" So I searched Lion.

To see a lion in your dream, symbolizes great strength, aggression and power. You will overcome your emotions and/or difficulties. As king of the jungle, the lion also represents dignity, royalty, leadership, pride and domination. You have much influence over others. You need to exercise some restraint in your own personal and social life.

To see or dream that you are in a hospital, symbolizes your need to heal or improve your physical or mental heath. You need to get back to the flow of everyday life. Alternatively, it suggests that you are giving up control of your own body or that you are afraid of losing control of your body.

Im not sure how this fits with the bag but I searched anyways.
To see a canvas in your dream, symbolizes potential and possibilities, especially if the canvas is blank. Consider the significance of what is on the canvas as it is an aspect of your unconscious.

To see a bag in your dream, represents the responsibilities that you carry. If the bag is ripped or torn, then it indicates that you are carrying a lot of burden. The symbol may be a metaphor for an "old bag" and refer to someone who is old.

To dream of a bag full of junk, symbolizes that you are burdened with worries and problems; you have to find a way on unloading some of this load

To see a zipper in your dream, implies sexuality and sexual innuendos. If you are unzipping, then it indicates that you are opening up. If you are zipping up, then it suggests that you are closing yourself off emotionally. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun that you need to keep your mouth "zipped" You are talking too much.

To see a broken or stuck zipper in your dream, signifies your frustration in not being able to resolve a situation or problem. You may have difficulty in maintaining your composure especially in an awkward or public situation.

I looked up tricks just because it sounds like Trixie and there is no chinchilla in the search. And a lot of the time when I read explanations of dreams it will say "could be a pun." So I thought I would go for it. Its interesting with the "zipper" explanation.. lol If you think of anything specific about Trixie go ahead and look that up!

To play tricks on someone in your dream, indicates that you are not being honest with yourself. You are trying to divert attention elsewhere, other than yourself. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for "turning tricks."

To dream that you have been tricked, suggests that your plans are about to backfire.

Guinea Pig
To see a guinea pig in your dream, represents your need to be more responsible and attentive. Alternatively, it suggests that through experimentation and taking risks, you learn how and how not to do something. You learn from your mistakes

To see a mouse in your dream, indicates fear, meekness, insignificance and a lack of assertiveness. You are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and fears that you are not measuring up. The dream may also be telling you that you are spending too much time hiding in the shadows. Alternatively, it may symbolize minor irritations and annoyances. The dream may also be a pun on a computer mouse and your connection to work or to the virtual world.

When it escaped did you chase it?

To dream that a mouse is being chased, indicates that you are not standing up for yourself. You are letting others push you around.

To see your home in your dream, signifies security, basic needs, and values. You may be feeling at home at your new job or you finally feel settled and comfortable in a new environment. Alternative, the dream represents your basic needs and priorities.

Have fun!
Seeing a chinchilla in your dream means you are one of those crazy people who would spend 3 figures on a rodent and and another 3 figures on a fancy cage, safe wood, and the finest dust. In the context of this dream you probably visited Kennedy in the hospital so he would change his will and leave all his money to a rodent rescue.
Melissa....interesting analysis of the dream. Much of it was spot on. You asked if I went looking for the mouse after it ran off. Nope..just checked on Scooter and Trixie and went on home.

Trixie does seem to make her way into many of my dreams. One night I was sure she was sitting on the edge of my bed looking at me. Seemed so real I had to go into the other room to check and see if she was still in her cage. She was.
It's clear Marie that your worried about Socialized Pet Health care and Ted Kennedy introducing the bill. ( High 5's anyone who gets this one )