A few questions

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1) Kurtis keeps making tiny chirping sounds that sometimes get a little louder, and Kingston sometimes makes them back. Kurtis is ALWAYS doing it though(unless he's sleeping) Is this because he's lonely? He'll jump on me and sit on my lap and stare at me and make them. Is he just talking?

2) How long is a good time to wait before doing chintros?

3) In August I'm leaving town for a week and my parents wont care for the chins so they're moving over to Charlie's house, and he just got a new kitten. The chins will be in the living room with the AC so does anyone have kittens and chins and know any way to deter the kitten from prying in on their business :p
I think that he is probably talking and I think that is adorable! Yes, they are probably talking to each other. Are you planning on introducing the two of them? How old are they? Are they in cages near each other?

In answer to your kitten question, I guess first I should ask, what kind of cages are they in? I have a 4 ft high cage (it was actually a ferret cage) and my male Chin lives in it. He's in my room...and so are all SEVEN of my foster kittens. The kittens watch him when he's down on the bottom level eating, but no one sticks their paw through at him. Boo spends a very large part of his time up on the top levels of the cage though, he loves it up there...the kittens can't even get near him all the way up there (he did this BEFORE they came along by the way...so he's not up there hiding from them...he just likes the view =D ). How old is the kitten? These guys are between 6 and 7 weeks, so they are very rambunctious and very curious...but they don't care that he's right there at all...I guess it might depend on the kitten?? And it would really depend on the cage and they type of access they have to him. You've REALLY got to watch out for their claws...if they are able to get at him really easily you might be in for a lot of trouble. But if they live in really tall cages, you might not be.
Just my thoughts on it...
I have two VERY curious kittens, they like to watch my boys in their cage but they don't try to climb or anything. They have had a couple nose to nose with my older boy on the bottom, but that's as far as they can get, and ChiChi knows that. I think he messes with them sometimes..LOL. They will be fine in the FN as long as there are no tables or anything they can launch or stretch toward the cage on. Get a ball with bells in it, my kitten LOVE them.. if they do get too close for comfort, throw the ball and instant kitten removal.
Haley I would wait AT least a month or two before trying intros. You've just gotten Kurtis and I think you should allow him time to bond with you.
The noises he's making are him looking for his friends and family he's left behind at the breeders.
I think you'll be all right with the kitten as you have the nice Ferret nation and I don't believe the kitten can get up that high even to the first level to see them.
But of course you will have to be SO careful of the kitten scratching the chins if it has claws and if it can get to them.
I have 2 males cats that are actually terrified of the chins and never pay any attention to them at all, but maybe my situation is a unique one.
I know you're anxious to intro because you want your boys to be great friends, I would just take some extra time and really allow Kurtis to get the feel of his new home, and allow Kingston to smell him and get used to having that different smell around for awhile before putting them together.
Thanks everyone for the quick responses :]

Nichole: My boys are in a FN142, they will be put together eventually, Kingston is a year old and Kurtis is about 3 months. The kitten is 3 months old, she's VERY crazy and just tries to get into everything. She attacks the dog, the elderly cat, feet, you name it. They do have guards, but I'm scared she'll find a way to get a paw in somehow. Hopefully if they're bonded by then they can live on the top story together for that week. I wouldn't worry so much but Kingston likes other animals and every time the dog walks by he's grabbing at her fur so I just worry he'll be right at the bars for her.

Jezilyn: haha his instant kitten removal is a aluminum foil ball, its a miracle.

Laurie: Thanks for the answer ^_^ I planned on waiting at least 4-5 weeks but I wasn't sure if there was like a set time after what quarantine was supposed to be :)[) He hasn't made the noises this morning, but I hope he's not too lonely without his family that's kinda sad :[
Haley I know those noises can be KILLER. The first night I brought Mick and Wesley home, they were weaned together, Wesley just cried and cried and cried even though Mick was with him. It was the most heart wrenching thing ever! He would just try to hide behind the wheel and he was almost tiny enough to do it!
I'm sure in no time Kurtis won't be missing his old family at all and just be so happy with his new family!
Yeah Kurtis pushes his way behind his hide and stays there, or if I'm holding him he goes in my shirt and just falls asleep.
Oh I checked that out with Kingston's midnight barking x_x
These are verrryyy verrryyyy quiet lil squeeks