A few general questions about shows...

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2010
Huron, Ohio
I am new to chinchillas. I got my first one in September. I have been to a claiming show so far. I was just wondering a couple things:
Does your chin have to be a solid color to be entered in a show? I didn't notice any mosaics at the show (besides babies for sale). So, do they not judge mosaics?
Is there a size that's best for show? Like a certain weight?
Do you have to have your own show cages if you enter your chins?

I guess that's all lol. Just a couple things I've been wondering about.

I have 2 chins I think are growing into beautiful animals. I would just be curious to hear what a judge had to say.
No they do not have to be a solid color - heavily marked whites or pink whites are perfectly fine. Whites have thier own category and MCBA seperates each color into phases so within white there are different categories of white - can't think of them off the top of my head but someone will. I think it's predominately white, silver, white with dark guard hairs, etc.

Most chins are shown between 6mo and 9mo but up to a year. Most older chins will be out of prime and likely off color or oxidized in the case of beiges, so you want to show them when they are in their prime. No certain weight but if a chin is small they will get docked for size. No, show cages are provided as part of the entry fee so you don't need them. All you need to do is prep them for show and show up :)

Bring them! Janera OH in January isn't far from you.
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At an ECBC show, they judge all dark-eared whites together, no matter what kind of markings or guard hairs or spots they have. They are all judged as whites. The pink whites (pink-eared whites) are judged separately.

In an MCBA show, they split the whites into a bunch of categories and I can't remember all of them. I remember predominantly white, silver, white with dark guard hairs, white with pink ears, etc.

The size that's best for show would be an animal that has reached maturity... you can judge a young chin for texture, clarity, etc. as is and the potential it has but you don't know how it will end up turning out. Chins do better when full grown and have the size factor in addition to their other qualities to compete. A very large 6 month old may do well but I'd say most chins do better when they're closer to 9 months - 14 months or so. They're never as good as their first prime so if you show an older chin, likely they will not be in as good of condition and if it is a beige, the fur may oxidize as well.

Show cages are provided at the shows.

Bring your chins to a show to get a judge's opinion. It would be well worth it!
The phases for whites are:
Predominantly White
Pink White
White with Dark Guard Hair

Most whites are mosaic and I'll have to look at my show book but I'm pretty sure the majority of the whites at this past Ohio claim show were in the mosaic phase, they just weren't so extremely marked.
Kristy, there had been a debate on judging the whites. I don't believe that went thru. At the NY/NE they were judged separatly.
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At Ohio they were judged separately as well. I think a change like that would have to be voted on at a national meeting, which hasn't happened since August. There was lengthy discussion about where pink whites with beige spots should go at last year's March meeting - the current rule is to put them in mosaics but I believe that is going to be revisited next meeting.
I don't even know where Janera is lol. My babies are still too young I think. The Ryerson's are having a show in May, though. I am not wanting to go because I think I'll walk away with a grand champion or anything. Just curious to hear what he'd have to say for my own curiosity :)