A chin that thinks outside the box...

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Well-known member
May 23, 2011
Cohoes, NY
Who said you were supposed sleep inside the tube?

ahah! thats what my boys do. they squeeze between the tube top and the shelf above it. or they sleep underneath it
where to get a tube??
if you go into the classifieds in the chin supplies for sale.
there are plenty of vendors on there that make them :)
where to get a tube??
if you go into the classifieds in the chin supplies for sale.
there are plenty of vendors on there that make them :)

There are members on here that make them. I buy mine from both Shooper and Brittany. You can check out the chin supplies for sale, both of them have stuff listed :)

Thanks! I need to add more accessories to Einstein's new cage. The tube looks super comfy!
she thinks outside the tube lol Im glad to see my chins arent the only one that do the hangy face thing my shadow sleeps with her entire head hanging over the side
very cute!

I never thought Rhino could fit on top of his tube, because it's pretty darn close to the cage ceiling. well the lil monkey proved me wrong one day when he figured he'd had enough of me pestering him and flattened himself up in the space, lol.
Ha, my girls would never sleep on top of their tube. They would rather smoosh themselves together into a chinnie rollup. Generally with each of their legs sticking out both ends. Jules is generally spread eagle, no shame that one. I have yet to get a picture of this. I will one of these days.
Adorable, I'm glad he likes the tube (even if it is the outside)! It's imposible to look at silly chins and not smile!! :)