I just get a bit frustrated when the question wasn't read, like I said I'm not trying to be snippy but was annoyed that the whole "I have another cage so duh I'm not putting them in together and am well aware that they will not get along"
The only thing I was at all curious about is rescue versus from breeder- I'm sorry I should have put it as a poll as to not confuse people.
There are many times they do not get along, I'm waiting and asking before even getting one- I am aware of vet bills being more, I'm aware what that means, I did not say I'm getting one this instant- I am waiting because I will be having income to cover more than one chin, I'm waiting till I am settled in the new job so the income has set.
It is mainly annoying to sift through a lot of stuff to try and see the answer to the question versus a lot of junk that I already know or can very easily find (ie the various dangers of intros, vet costs, they don't need to be together- I'm surprised I did not get someone saying to be sure it is another male- well for anyone planning on putting that, I know). Please do not patronize me I have had critters for a long time, my chin for a year only but any time you get a pet in general you need to worry about vet bills food, supplies, them not getting along, etc. Chins you have the additional factor of intros which appear to be much more difficult than other critters which makes sense because they would be stuck in a cage together with no way to get away.
Ferdinand is a cuddler, he has been seeming more and more at night to want a buddy though, plus as I get farther along in school I will not be as around much during the afternoon/day. I would like to get him a buddy because of this, I also want to do it in a few months because as I said I will be having the means to support two (I didn't get into all of that since I thought I'd make the post simple- oh well). Usually when I get a new pet I try to go through rescues since there are always so many there, and I am not caught up on I need (...) color- I just want a male who at least does not have a history of not getting along with others- this is not a guarantee but it is a step in the direction of maybe he would get along. My question was- if this was done would I still likely end up having them not get along more so than if it was a chin from a breeder since a chin from a rescue may have a history of say neglect and maltreatment so therefore would have quite a possibility of not getting along with another chin, versus one from a breeder who would not have that history- or if in the long run the personality wins out overall and both from breeder or rescue would have the same chances. The resources are there if they do not get along- that was all that was meant by the mention of the second cage as opposed to listing each and every item.
As I said, I am sorry the next time I have a simple question it will be in poll form to get away from this straying off topic and everything.