A Bitter Sweet Goodbye

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hello to all my wonder Hedgie peers-

Some of you may have noticed my lack of being on here lately. And it's actually all related to my leave of this wonderful thread. I just wanted to give and explanation and thanks to the wonderful people that have made ours and Kiah's life richer and healthier. I didn't know where to place this, and I may even not look back after sending this since I'm tearing up already.:cry3:

Within the past few months my fiance has developed severe allergies to Kiah. He has difficulties breathing (wheezing) in the bedroom where Kiah's cage is and will break out into hives and misquote-like bumps and welts after holding Kiah (once even on his stomach from the quills going through his shirt). This didn't start happening until around April (though we've had him for over a year- why this didn't occur before, I have no idea, my fiance' might just be weird.).... I dusted, vacuumed, and cleaned every inch of the room several times to see if something else was bothering my fiance.... but no.... it's Kiah. And our apartment is just a one bedroom - so I wouldn't feel comfortable risking Kiah getting a draft from a living room where doors and windows are constantly open. I also can't expect my fiance to sleep in the living room either (though I did think about it for a minute ;) ) I also can't expect my fiance' to constantly be on benedryl just to live with me (especially since our wedding is only 4 months away now....)

So we've been dealing with this issue for awhile now... constantly cleaning Kiah's cage and liners and the bedroom to try to make things work... and they just aren't. Both of our parents have tried talking us into selling Kiah... and we're just not comfortable with giving him away to just anyone plus he's our first pet.

However, we were informed that our local zoo was actually looking for a African pygmy hedgehog as an "educational animal ambassador". And our zoo is actually really awesome... the animals seem really cared for. I spoke with the educator, expressing my concern about a non-social hedgehog being around new people everyday along with every other concerns a mom would have for her "pet-child"... and they seem to know what they are doing. He's not the first hedge they've had to educate and told me they take the process very slowly for the sake of the hedgie.

So... tomorrow... we're going to donate Kiah (and all of his stuff that he's comfortable with to make the trip easier) to the zoo educator... we're very heart-broken about this... but it's better for my fiance' and my hedgie since he will be taken care off by people who professionally take care of animals.

So... I know there will probably be some neigh-sayers... and I really don't care and as I said before, will probably never look back, mostly due to that. But I have faith that I'm doing what's best for both males in my life and that's what makes it best for me. I just wanted to explain myself and the situation to everyone and say goodbye (since I'll no longer be a hedgie owner) and thanks to such wonderful people like Nancy, my fellow Illinois hedgie lovers, shetland, and many other supportive, great, friendly animal lovers out there. You all have helped me give the best life I could to Kiah for as long as I could....and I will always be thankful in the bottom of my heart of everyone I met on here. You are all wonderful and Kiah and I love you!:cry3:

**disclaimer** and giving away a pet to a zoo isn't the easier answer for getting rid of an animal... you should know what you are getting into an be responsible... and I know that... but we really didn't expect this problem to occur and we felt better about donating Kiah to a good cause and giving him an even better home than ours a better option than give him away to some college kid.

...thank you all once again... Tunes, please feel free to close my account if you can/want.
Your fiances allergy time frame is quite normal. Allergies don't just happen with one exposure. It takes repeated exposure over time to fully develop an allergy. It took me 3 years living with a dog to start my dog allergy and I was fine with her for another 5 years as long as she wasn't wet. It wasn't until she passed away and we got another dog that my allergies hit full.

You are certainly not alone in having to give your sweet boy up because of allergies. This has happened to many people and 2 of my babies came back due to allergies. I also have numerous rehomes here that were given up for that reason and most of them have been close to a year or so later.

I know many people think allergic people should live on allergy meds to enable them to keep their pet but having experienced allergies to a beloved pet, I do not agree with that. Living on medication for the rest of the pets life is not the answer and being allergic to the pet to the point that you can't be in the same room as it or you suffer is no way to have a pet.

I'm sorry you are going through this. Does your fiance have other allergies?
I am from the chinnie side of things, but I wanted to comment on the thread after I stumbled across it. Reading this broke my heart. You can tell that your boy (both!) are definitely cared for and I don't think anyone will, or can, look down on your for rehoming him. In this situation the two of you had tried everything, and this was the only step left.

I hope your baby is able to live out his life to the fullest in the zoo. If your heart will let you I hope you will stay around. There are a few people here who no longer have chins or hedgies, but are a great asset to the forum.
Nancy is right, alergies take time to occur. It took about more than a year for me to develop. I get hives like your fiancé and watery eyes too, but only when I hold her a lot for a long time (clipping her nails). I'm sorry you had to make that descision. I still question myself if I shouldn't have let Litchi in the care of my ex, but in the end, I manage my alergies well.
How far away is the zoo from you? Maybe they will allow you to come by and spend extra time with him. Or see if they have a volunteer program where you can do the educating and you can still bond with him.
I am so very sorry to hear this sad story, and don't think there will be anyone with anything bad to say. You seem genuinely concerned for his well being and also did the very best for him. Try not to feel so terrible, he will have a great life and so will you and your soon to be husband. Enjoy that and the wedding and know Kiah will be well taken care of.
I know how you feel. I've done nothing but sneeze since I got Winston, and I've wondered if I was allergic to him, but I'm still ok with just the sneezes. It's always sad to say goodbye to a pet, no matter how it happens

I feel for you so much. I suffer from allergies with our family dog and with the hay & dust for my chinchillas. I had a horrible cough for 6 months and after tests and finally seeing an allergy specialist my cough is gone but I do take the inhaler and singulair when I need it.

Because I sensed how devastated you are, I am only mentioning this info in case you don't know about it, but it may be something to consider if in the future you really want a hedgie again, also I don't know if this is even possible for you (your fiance) but I am currently doing Immunotherapy, which is the name for a treatment used by allergy specialists to reduce sensitivity to allergens. It involves a series of injections given regularly for roughly 3 years. The first shots contain very tiny amounts of the antigen or antigens to which you are allergic, I don't even know if there is a hedgehog one but I've been told that they have and are coming up with several exotic type pet ones. With increasing dosages over time, your body will adjust to the antigen and become less sensitive to it, it offers allergy sufferers the chance of eventually stopping medication or reducing the amount they have to take. It's just a thought.
I am so sorry that you must let go of your little one. Such a painful decision. Why would anyone question your decision? You will still love Kiah and he will always be with you. Please don't leave. I once left the forum because one person hurt my feelings very badly. That was a mistake. For such a long time I gave up all the friendships of the good people of this forum. And yes, most people here are kind and supportive. I don't have a hedgie because they are illegal where I reside. But I adore hedgies and so I come here because the good people of this forum allow me to share in their hedige lives. And I share in their happiness. And I hope I can support them when sad events occur. Take a bit of time. Heal. And then come back.
I don't see any reason to delete your account, unless you really want it gone. As you can see, nobody is going to rail against you because you had to rehome your boy. Allergies happen. What's important is that you provided him with the best home you could. You didn't just dump him at an animal shelter or stuff him on Craigslist.

I'm very sorry you had to give up your boy. I can only imagine how bad you both must feel now that he's no longer with you. But I agree with Mel - surely they would let you at least visit him and keep track of how he's doing, and maybe they would allow you to volunteer and actually help out with his upkeep.

To everyone:
I couldn't resist the temptation and snuck on here... how can I avoid checking on a thread I view every day?

We both thank all of you for your kind words from the bottom of our hearts. It really meant so much to us that despite the difficult decision we made, once again I could trust on the good hearts of the animal lovers on here. All your comments have really helped us cope with a decision we still feel so guilty about.

We are handling better. My fiance' allergies have already improved and after meeting everyone at the zoo and seeing Kiah's positive reaction and basically giving the zoo all of his things (besides his baby quills and some large liners which I'm going to try to something with... sorry Nancy!)... we're a bit more at peace with things.

And due to everyone's advice... I think I will follow by what shetland said... I will probably be back after sometime of recovering from this with my fiance', family, and friends. I just wanted to thank you all and give you and update. I maybe back sooner than I think.

Thank you once again. :heart3: