A bad week

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Just wanted to give everyone an update.

Last week Tuesday, my poor baby Gabe was violently vomiting. We took him to the ER at Children's Hospital and he was continuing to vomit there. They gave him anti-vomit medication, to calm his stomach, but he vomited that back up. Eventually, they gave him two rounds of IV fluids, with one more round of the anti-vomit medication in his IV. He was so pale and even his lips were turning white. I felt absolutely horrible. The fluids worked, and he hasn't vomited since, but now has diarrhea. :(

Then Emma proceeded to projectile vomit the next day, but hasn't since. She had a bout of diarrhea, but it only lasted a couple of days thankfully.

Then, I got the stomach flu, too (which is what they diagnosed Gabe with). So, I was sick and couldn't keep anything down.

I feel bad for Gabe, because his poor behind hurts him. We change his diaper and he just cries. I hope the diarrhea goes away soon, we've been getting fluids in him to keep him hydrated and haven't been giving him anything different. I do know that if it continues for another day, I'm calling the pediatrician AGAIN (I've called them already) to find out what else can be done, other than the "wait it out" game.

Anyways...I'll put up some new pictures of Gabe and Emma. :)


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Put bag balm on his diaper rash, he will cry for a minute because I think it smarts a little when the skin is so raw, but you'll see it will clear it up better then anything. You can get it at Walgreens or most drug stores. I used this on my son so I can personally say it's great.
Bag balm is wonderful and I don't think it will bother his bottom much when applied. Just redose several times a day to speed in healing. I'm so sorry your family is going through this. The stomach flu is such a terrible sickness. And it is hard for you to take care of the kids while you are sick. Been there, it's no fun. I hope you all get better soon!!!
you might want to try if he gets the runs again insert of whiping his butt just give him a bath i know thats what i've done if i have the runs that way you don't get the sore behinde.
you might want to try if he gets the runs again insert of whiping his butt just give him a bath i know thats what i've done if i have the runs that way you don't get the sore behinde.
That is gross. :vomit: You can't let him sit in his soiled clothes, or with a soiled behind till he gets a bath. Knowing little kids like I do, you can't conrol how often they will go, so they would be living in the tub.
That is gross. :vomit: You can't let him sit in his soiled clothes, or with a soiled behind till he gets a bath. Knowing little kids like I do, you can't conrol how often they will go, so they would be living in the tub.

Yeah, I would never let my child sit in a soiled diaper. He's already uncomfortable as is, why make it that much worse?

I have an appointment with his pediatrician tomorrow. They said they may have to take a stool sample, which I'm going to insist upon. Wish us luck in conquering this dang diarrhea!
good luck! i always had good success with just plain vasoline whenever anyone has bowel issues. it doesnt burn either. i absolutely HATE the stomach virus. they need to come up with a vacine for it!!
I don't think she meant let him sit in it, she meant to give him a bath each time...

Good luck and I hope everyone feels better soon!