8 New Chins!

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Feb 4, 2009
Well...I was watching my friend's herd over the summer and she offered to pay me but she had already supplied food and a large amount of bedding so I told her not to worry about it. She was doing an internship on the East coast and decided to drive back to California. She made a stop at Shoots chinchilla ranch and picked me up a black velvet male. I've been wanting to get out to see Ralph and Barbara to get a bv male for a couple years now and she knew that so she saved me the trouble and picked one up for me!:hug2:

All of my black velvets have coffee themed names (Folgers, French Vanilla, Toffee Nut, Yuban, Gloria Jean) so this guy's name is DeCaf!


Then after she showed up we had already planned on making a trip down to Bowen chinchilla ranch to pick up some nice standard females. I wanted to get a few but wasn't counting on him having what I wanted. Well...he pulled out about 20 girls for us to look at and after hours of deliberation we narrowed it down to 9 girls that we liked. Cara took two of the girls for her sapphire lines and I got the rest, LOL. These girls don't have names just yet (longest I've gone without naming a chin) so they go by numbers and how I remember them!:neener: All of these girls are upwards of 800g so I added a bunch of fat to my herd!

This is the oldest girl, eartag 801.


This is the next oldest, eartag 802.

This one is my favorite of the older girls (around 1 year old). She's HUGE and I absolutely love her fat rolls. This is eartag 803.


I'm not fat!!


Then this is the next oldest girl. Eartag 804.


These next three are the young girls that were born early this year...between March and April.

Eartag 805.

Eartag 806.


Then my favorite of the young girls. This one is also HUGE and I was made to promise if I bought her that I would bring her to the State show in January and show her, lol.


Say my butt is big one more time and then we'll see who's smiling!!

OOOOOOHH what cuties!
I feel like getting some new ones too.
But I'm need of space

I always feel like getting new chins, LOL. I have way too much space so how's about you go on a chinnie buying spree and I'll house them.:thumbsup:

I had about 70 chinchillas out in the shed this summer and now I'm down to about forty, plus I'll be moving, getting a new larger chin building and more cages so I'll be able to get even more chins!
We simply must find names for these girlies instead of eartag! Tab I seriously think you should name one of them iluvLan63 since Sandi did not pick that as her user name!
What're they being fed? I'd like nothing better than to get some of mine that big!
Those are some BIG girls! And beautiful, too!
Laurie, LOL! Oh hecks nooooooo! I can name one of the girls after a character from your "special" books though ;)

Nan, feel free to bring those girls over ANY time!! LOL...I have open holes and plenty of room for more girls to go with him!!
I have a very lonely standard male who is drooling over your new girls, especially the HUGE one. ;)

Hahahahahahaha. I am sitting on the floor of my bathroom having playtime with my father/son pair. Daddy came up to the laptop, put his paws to the screen and stuck his nose to the picture of that big ol' female. Apparently he misses being in breeding. :D
Bowens Mills their own food.

Yep, but Gary doesn't have insurance on his feed so he doesn't sell to the public. :(

Sarah...these were only 7 of like...20 HUGE females he has right now that he'll probably be bringing with him to the seminar. ;)
handsome boy. beautiful healthy looking girls! do you go with a coffee theme for the girls or do you do tea? there are lots of great tea names!!!