65 degrees with 50% humidity?

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Apr 11, 2014
Its getting hot! The way my apartment faces the sun, im certain amount ts way hotter I here than outside. Im picking up an ac unit tonight, but is this too hot for them untill then?!
They should be okay. If you could get the humidity down though it would make it a lot more comfortable.
Being from CA and living in the Seattle area for 20 years, I always laugh when locals say 65F is getting hot. Ha. Anyhow.

Here is how I deal with heat. Generally I can close my blinds on the west and south sides of my house when it gets warmer ....and this keep the temperatures between 15-20F cooler in my house than outside temperature. In the cooler evenings...like the chilly one we had last night, I open windows, vent and cool the inside as much as I can and close up most windows in the morning when I wake up. This works well in the summer. So, I typically don't even worry about air conditioning until it is mid-80s outside (when the inside temps get above 70F). It helps if the house is well insulated. Get an accurate thermometer so you know the temperature inside...it's rarely very humid here(I've never worried about that in the four years of keeping chins here) as long as you have good ventilation/air circulation. Yes, it's a bit of a dance, but I typically don't need to use air conditioning but for about 2-3 weeks a year using this technique. But always watch the thermometer or thermostat and keep the temps below 74F. Feel free to email me if you need anything.
Thanls for the replies. Boy i cant wait till my posts dont have to wait on a mod :/.

In my apartment, all my big windows face the sun, from about 8 am to 8pm. My apartment is always about 20 degrees hotter than outside, and the smaller rooms are worse!

I did buy a used a/c unit, because I know it gets alot worse. I also picked up heat shield blinds (walmart clearanced then at $12 per window!). The blinds made a huge difference and the a/c is backup.

I just knew that while I was dying from the heat, the chins felt worse!

And Seachin, I have to laugh because while I was raised here, I spent many years in Las vegas and socal before that. I know true heat, and I know im being a wimp! Lol
I live in Los Angeles. My apartment faces the mid-day sun. Thank heavens for my AC. I always make sure every window and blind are closed tight.