60g+ weight gain in 3 wks on new food!

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
:dance3: I'm still a bit surprised but happily that all this weight gain has come on so quickly. Most of you know that my CJ has malo and has had some filings done since he's been diagnosed in January. He eats on his own and hasn't been handfed since March except for 1 day that I did because I got a little nervous after his last filing a month ago. For several months it's been somewhat of a struggle to help him maintain his weight of around 510 grams. He has molars but they are all ground down to his gumline so it's hard for him to eat hay and he only ate his pellets if it was a little watered down, still there was a lot of waste. Tanya, a member here has helped a ton with an organic hay mix that is ground up to almost a powder that I mix with a little water for CJ to eat. That has been going well so far and his poops have gotten bigger and healthier looking because of it.

Then a thread came along (this is why I love this forum so much) about a real good feed from the UK that is especially appealing to dental chins. The feed itself is not expensive it's the cost of shipping that is because it's coming to me from overseas. Dawn had sent me a sample for CJ before I commited to ordering it from the UK. I took it out of the baggy and put it in his bowl and you would have thought that he had never seen food before! He chowed ALL of his food down in less than 10 minutes and didn't even leave a crumb behind!

For the past 3 weeks, he's been on Beaphar Chin+ as well as his hay mix and he has gained 62 grams, as of this morning CJ now weighs in at 572 grams!

Just wanted to share my excitement and a few pics of my chunker.




:party: It's good to know that the Beaphar is helping. :thumbs:

I have to say that Beaphar has been a massive success here with poorly chins, especially tooth trouble chins who don't want to (or can't) eat normal pellets. The biggest benefits are the taste (Dawn likes them too I believe :p ) & the fact that they are crunchy so less worries about soft food = lack of tooth wearing.

TBH if I could afford it I'd feed all my chins on Beaphar.

Keep up the munching, CJ :clap:
Thanks! He's such a chunker (to me) now. He hasn't been this weight for over a year so it's totally worth it to me to get this feed for 1 chin. I did the math on the feed without the shipping, and it's comparable to what Petsmart charges for a 5 lb. bag of Oxbow and I should have said that the feed is expensive if your feeding a herd on it.
yay cj!!!

i just want to poke his tummy now! such a hefty lil guy! great job sandi! he's definitely making a turn around!
Awesome news Sandi! Definitely worth the money. What a little chowhound he is now- whoo hoo! :)
Wow! That's awesome!!!
Sandi, I just can't stop looking at the second picture - CJ is too sweet :heart:
Yep, he does look good and that makes my heart feel good too. Thanks everyone and Tanya, I loved that second pic of him too, he's so curious and gentle, I'd do anything for this little guy.
That's awesome news, Sandi. Everyone here loves Beaphar too. These days I use it as an occasional treat for everyone.
:hmm:Since this product seems to work so well for the chinnies,I wonder if there would be a chance of getting a distributor to offer it here in US?