6 Week Old Kits

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Possible breedback, mother is acting lethargic, the kits are 6 weeks old today female is 196g and male is 170... mom is looking terrible awefully tired and thin... im very worried is it Okay to remove the babies to their own cage? I think she need just just relax and recieve supplement.
I really don't have much advise to offer, just thought I would try to bump this back up.

I don't know that this early in pregnancy would be effecting her this much if she was bred back.

People do wean kits at 200g so you may consider weaning the female. Someone with more experience will have to answer that.

ETA: It took me 8 min. to post and you got a reply in that time.
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I found this to be a huge hit when I had kits born here. I copied this from the FAQs:
As an added nutritional boost, you can place the following formula that the JAGS developed in the cage with mom and the babies. Moms seem to enjoy it just as much as the kits. Be sure to provide hay, pellets, and fresh water along with this formula.

1 part calf or goat milk replacer (a dry formula-purchase at a feed store)
1 part crushed pellets
1 part 50/50 mixture of dry rice and oatmeal baby cereal

(Tip - A coffee grinder makes quick work of the pellets.)

It might help mom recover a little and the kits will eat it too whether or not you separate them.
Megan, get some lifeline for momma chin ASAP! Contact Dawnna at chocolatechinchillas.com

At six weeks I don't know if it's truly too early to wean, but you need to help mom chin out as well. I think Jean Marie has a great "recipe" for success for the babies.
i have been doing a lifeline, dyne, colstrum mix for bout 2 days now... she just acts completely exhausted. im so scared im going to loose my girl. i've put the little female kit in her own cage. she is just squeeking away pretty scared... these are mommas first babies and mine as well... thanks for any help
I would pull the kits, they are close enough to 200 grams and many many breeders wean at 6 weeks. Mom's health is much more important