6-lb rat captured!

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Holy cow! It looks like a rabbit! Yikes, and I was in China- thank goodness I did not see one of those monsters, I would have made a scene like that Hong Kong airport lady!
If it wasn't for the tail- that tail is just so gross! I get goosebumps looking at!
If you look through the link she posted, there's even a reciepe - one reason I'm hesitant when a new Chinese Resturant opens around here!
I think he released it, too!
I remember someone asking my father once if it bothered him that I keep pet rats in his house. He said after seeing rats the size of house cats when he was in VietNam, my rats were just overgrown field mice (lol)

This was when I had males that weighed over 2lbs each - but nowhere near as big as that thing!!
If it wasn't for the tail- that tail is just so gross! I get goosebumps looking at!

Yup, it's the tails that get me too - I just can't do naked tails *shudders*.

That huge creature would have me screaming and running like hell. :eek:
Awww - Doggie! :)

I'd take it home. No problem.

It almost looks like a possum
Did you know that in China a long time ago people would name their kids doggie? So they would not be found by death because thier name would not be on their list. (I was told this by a college professor that was from China)
What a huge rat! Does anyone know if he was just a freak or are rats larger in China?

I'm with everyone else, I think rats are as cute as any other animal, but I cannot stand their tail!
haha woah! that is hugh!!!
makes me want to get another rattie now, i miss my little girl. :tissue:
They eat nutria in New Orleans, it's not all that unheard of.

Bell - I heard a similar story, only they named their first child "two" or some such number, because death came for the firstborn. (Or they named their 2nd child "three" because death came for the second, it's been a while since I heard that and I forget which child death came for, and what number they called that child to cheat death.)
I would not be so grossed out if it were here. China is just...dirty. People pee and poop on the streets, and there is crap everywhere. I can only imagine how dirty and diseased that rat is! :Shivers:
The local forestry unit in the city identified the nightmarish creature as a bamboo rat from initial photographs, but said that it would need to examine the rat more closely before making a final identification.

Chinese bamboo rats rarely grow beyond ten inches and are found throughout southern China, northern Burma and Vietnam.
However, the Sumatra bamboo rat, usually found in the south-western Chinese province of Yunnan and in the Malay Peninsula can grow up to 30 inches long, including tail, and can weigh up to eight pounds.

Ugh, imagine a BIGGER one. Wow!
Lol, I know, most of China is beautiful and just amazing- Shanghai for one, Bejing near the Great Wall. But some parts, and the poor areas, are dirty beyond my wildest dreams....