5 chins helped in 3 days...

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2011
I'm in Environmental Ed this year at school and the chins have no wood or pumice stone in their cage, plastic and no where to hop around. I e-mailed my teacher and very respectfully told her the things that needed fixed and asked if I could sew them a hammock and cube and make them shelves. I brought the stuff in the next day and in walks another teacher with two babies that he was donating to the program... another set of stuff to sew. Yesterday my mom texted me and said that her friend who is living with them while they move's chin needed fleece too. I didn't see the original cage, apparently it was aweful enough for her to get out an old ginny pig cage for him. She had bought him an igloo without knowing. We took all of that out, gave him the cube, a shelf, and a cooling tile and he immediately started chewing on the shelf and hopping in and out the cage. They're going to get him a new cage once they get moved in but now it's a mini chin paradise. I left another shelf and a matching hammock with them for when they get the new cage. I'm going to sew the babies' stuff tonight. The kicker is that the original chins are mom and son and the sibs (who they thought were girls) are brother/ sister. They were born in May and are still tiny but once they grow up I convinced the teachers to try to swap the bonding (boy/boy and girl/girl) Any suggestions on that? I also convinced them to get an FN. Anyway, just wanted to share that five more chinnie lives just got much better :)
Glad to see ya helping them out. :)

For swapping them for bonding, the first thing id do is make absolutely sure on their sexes. They are easy for ppl to mistake. And if they are getting that kind of care, i wouldn't be surprised if they were mistaken. Especially with a mother/son duo. Don't want an accident their.
They are definitely different sexes I've checked several times second guessing myself and the equipment is definiteky different. They didn't have anything bad in there knowingly. They just did what the pet store said.
They were born in May and are still tiny but once they grow up I convinced the teachers to try to swap the bonding (boy/boy and girl/girl) Any suggestions on that? I also convinced them to get an FN. Anyway, just wanted to share that five more chinnie lives just got much better :)

I would say to check out many of the Intro threads on this forum for ideas on that.

Theirs no guarantee they will get along when switched, but if your able to get each pair a FN like you mentioned, if worst comes to worst, you can block off the whole leading up to the second floor and then, effectively, you got your self two separate cages if they need separated.

On the other hand, leaving male/female pairs together will pretty much guarantee you babies. (Mom and son poses even further risks). And babies take some extra knowledge and precautions. (And thats if everything goes well for mommy and the kits are all healthy)
Those kits are old enough to to breed now. They need to separated now, not when they get older. The brother/sister pair will breed as will the mother/son pair. It is possible for both females to be pregnant already.
I will talk to my teacher about it but right now the cage the babes r in is way too small for an adult chin. Im doing as much as I can buy in some things all I can do us tell them. They all seem like pretty docile chins so I'm hoping the switch will be fairly easy. Th
