4th of July Stress

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Chinnie Maid
May 19, 2009
Tornado Alley aka KS
Well, fireworks when on sale here Saturday. Since then, every evening, the overly anxious pyros have been setting them off...it hasn't really been annoying...yet. However, I know the days approaching this weekend will bring more and more, and they usually continue for a few days after the 4th of July. Has anyone ever noticed a change in their chinnies attitudes with the 4th of July fireworks season?
my dog is a barker, so they are pretty used to loud annoying sounds! but sadly we do not live in an area where there are fireworks that close that they would be affected. plus i live in an older house made oldschool, so no pressboard here. its like fort knox, i cant even get cell phone service!! lol
maybe keep the radio on for them (if you dont already?) it may distract them.
Yes, they get real nervous! I try to find a channel on the TV in that room that's got a action movie on it, and turn it up, to distract them! Doesn't help much when those 1/4 and 1/2 sticks [or so it seems] of dynamite go off, and shake the house!
I call, and nothing stops them around here!!
Fireworks are illegal in our city, but several churches have gotten permits to shoot and the city always has a big fireworks display. We are pretty close, and can see them from our house and hear the rumbling booms the professional fireworks make. The chins aren't ever bothered by them, the dogs are a little barky when they first start but calm down pretty quick.
We live about 5 minutes away from where they set off of the fireworks for Magic Kingdom(I could walk to MK if I felt like it). They do this every single night. When the 4th rolls round and New Years the display is usually 45 minutes or so.

Chins are fine, never had a problem and it sounds like very loud thunder here.
I've had my current boys for a little over 6 months but with my 1st chin, he never seemed phased by it, my dog would freak out in the beginning but then he got used to it.
I've never noticed a change in mine, but I've always lived in areas that had heavy thunderstorms, and kept my radio on the pop/rock stations for the chins.

I used to use 80's & oldies but found that chins that went to homes with large families took longer to adjust. I figured it was the loudness of the household, and must have guessed right. Haven't had anyone mention it since I changed music types years ago.
Mine get stressed out by the fireworks. The whole neighborhood shoots them off. All you can smell outside is smoke from fireworks. We even had someone shooting off professional ones a few years ago. I always hose the house down at dusk so it doesn't catch on fire when they land on the roof or next to the house. There is no way I can turn the radio up loud enough to drown them out. I visit the chin room often throughout the night to reassure them. That's about all I can do.
My chins are used to loud noises, as we used to live near an air force base. Those critters sleep through anything I tell ya! And now that we are living in the deep south, they aren't phased by the loud thunderstorms here either. I think I'm the one who gets paranoid that the loud noises bother them, so I do check up on them when the noise is too loud or too sudden. But usually, they could care less, and just keep continue whatever they were doing -- sleeping, eating, throwing poo on the floor...
Turning on the tv or radio is a good idea. My chinchillas are pretty kick back, it's my dog Sweet Pea who goes manic when even 1 firecracker goes off. They're illegal here, but people still buy them and set them off in the neighborhood. I also live near an Air Force Base (used by DHL), so my chillas are used to loud noises. :)
Fireworks are illegal here, too...and we live so far out that we never hear anything. The only thing that is really loud out here is the thunderstorms that we have almost every single night of the summer. My chins seem to have gotten used to it, no one freaks out anymore.

Keeping the radio on is a good idea even if it doesn't drown out all the noises. I keep mine on all the time to help the chins stay calm, it does help quite a bit with the storm noises.

Cathy - that is awful that you have to hose down your house to feel safe! I hope that it isn't so bad this year.
I live in tract homes, you hear EVERYTHING your neighbors do. Of course the cops are too busy to come and ticket these people. What's really sad, some of the people who do it ARE police officers (off duty, there are a TON in my area).