4am scritches :-)

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
We had one of the worst thunderstorms I've ever been in last night. I normally can sleep through anything but the wind, rain, and thunder was so loud that it woke me up around 4:30am. I couldn't fall asleep so I turned the light on to check on Lady. She was a little wired but not too upset. Since I couldn't sleep I opened the cage and we got into a nice scritchy/gromming session :) yet another reason why I love having her in my bedroom now. :thumbsup: Anyone else get woken up by the storm?
The thunder was happening in the late evening for us. I'm a light sleeper so it must have past us by midnight. Now the only thing that I can recommend if this ever happens again with you that you have a camera ready so that we can all see the late night/early morning scritch sessions ;)).
Oh man, we got that storm too, and it was the same here.. around 4am flicking on a lamp to see my chins giving me the stink face. (Was keeping an eye on one of them, so I slept in their room last night..haha)
I ended up covering their cage-side facing the window with some fleece so they couldn't see the lightning (probably didn't help anything, but whatever.) :))
We had the tornado sirens going off here around 2:30 and I flew out of bed. It was a very scary storm! All of the chins were munching away on apple sticks when I checked on them except for Diesel, who was plastered against the corner of the cage looking out the window. Guess he's my little storm chaser chin.
All of the chins were munching away on apple sticks when I checked on them except for Diesel, who was plastered against the corner of the cage looking out the window. Guess he's my little storm chaser chin.

lol aww.
We got hit with that, our tornado sirens went of at about 7:30 AM. We had to pack Bella up in her carry cage fast and high tail it to the basement. All was well in the end but Bella was mad at me for a while today.