Hi I have a 2 year old male chin named Dink. I love him very much & feel so helpless, sometimes he looks so uncomfortable. So much has happened in 3 weeks.
1st Symptoms
Not playing or chewing his sticks, I figured this was due to new cage ~chin/rat cage, 3 levels, all metal, and no wire mesh).
Biting genitals, something he never did but now does ALL the time
Biting his hands, feel, back, belly & his fav now~ genitals
very lethargic at times.
Constantly wants dust baths; he would live in it if I let him. FYI~ I only give let him dust for 5-10 min especially since I have seen him eating the dust recently.
1st tip to the vet was May 25th
Vet said he looked good, gave me some Gel stuff I have never seen before & pain meds + fluids. Sent me home with high hopes but no real answers other than if it continues they have to put him to sleep & look at his teeth.
May 27th Friday I took him back because he was tugging on his genitals & biting himself a lot more, VERY litharge + looked like he was in pain
Dif vet same office said he had significant weight loss in the past 2 days, took X-rays of his stomach, because she thought he may have a stone. X-ray didn’t show anything so she sent me home w/ CC & the Xrays just in case he stopped pooping & had to go to ER. Dr said Dink still looked good. She thought this would fix him up. Saturday the vet called & said Radiology looked at X Rays, thinks he may have a mass or lymph node in his belly but to keep doing what I was doing (she was off till Monday)
New symptoms
Eating bedding & I don’t mean a little nibble; he was eating the chunks he had peed on.
Eating very little pellets, some hay & not drinking that much
Started doing the chewing thing w/ his mouth that I know was teeth probs. I lost my 16 year old chin 2 years ago Bubba (RIP) to teeth problems so I know that signs.
Sleeping at night, not playing
May 31st dif vet who took care of Bubba so I knew her & felt somewhat comfortable
There Radiology dept looked at X rays, said they didn’t see anything, Vet didn’t feel anything & again said he looked good & had gained some of the weight back that he lost. Both offices checked his teeth & said they were ok.
More new symptoms ~my poor baby!
Not drinking or eating ANYTHING BUT HIS POOP! Again not just a little
Noticed he was licking up his urine when playing in his pen. Urine was SUPER orange almost red.
June 6th (Saturday) I knew he need fluids & none of the exotic vets were in either office so I took him to the ER where they gave him fluids & scheduled dink for Monday
Monday vet said he need back molar trimmed & NOT TO GIVE CC
He was fine Tuesday-wed night. Tuesday made a turn for the worst, stopped eating & his bely was making watery noises (like if you shake a can of soup) I was told to start CC again & give him .3 ml of baby gas X.
That was yesterday. Now he is showing signs of Bloat & fighting the CC.
Please help as none of the exotic vets are in again.
Meds he is currently on.
CC fed 3-4 time daily- average about 9-15 ML daily
He was on antibiotic for 1 & ½ weeks, Bytril, Im sure Im butchering the name. That ended last Tuesday.
+ baby gasx 3 ml 3 to 4 times daily…is that to much??
1st Symptoms
Not playing or chewing his sticks, I figured this was due to new cage ~chin/rat cage, 3 levels, all metal, and no wire mesh).
Biting genitals, something he never did but now does ALL the time
Biting his hands, feel, back, belly & his fav now~ genitals
very lethargic at times.
Constantly wants dust baths; he would live in it if I let him. FYI~ I only give let him dust for 5-10 min especially since I have seen him eating the dust recently.
1st tip to the vet was May 25th
Vet said he looked good, gave me some Gel stuff I have never seen before & pain meds + fluids. Sent me home with high hopes but no real answers other than if it continues they have to put him to sleep & look at his teeth.
May 27th Friday I took him back because he was tugging on his genitals & biting himself a lot more, VERY litharge + looked like he was in pain
Dif vet same office said he had significant weight loss in the past 2 days, took X-rays of his stomach, because she thought he may have a stone. X-ray didn’t show anything so she sent me home w/ CC & the Xrays just in case he stopped pooping & had to go to ER. Dr said Dink still looked good. She thought this would fix him up. Saturday the vet called & said Radiology looked at X Rays, thinks he may have a mass or lymph node in his belly but to keep doing what I was doing (she was off till Monday)
New symptoms
Eating bedding & I don’t mean a little nibble; he was eating the chunks he had peed on.
Eating very little pellets, some hay & not drinking that much
Started doing the chewing thing w/ his mouth that I know was teeth probs. I lost my 16 year old chin 2 years ago Bubba (RIP) to teeth problems so I know that signs.
Sleeping at night, not playing
May 31st dif vet who took care of Bubba so I knew her & felt somewhat comfortable
There Radiology dept looked at X rays, said they didn’t see anything, Vet didn’t feel anything & again said he looked good & had gained some of the weight back that he lost. Both offices checked his teeth & said they were ok.
More new symptoms ~my poor baby!
Not drinking or eating ANYTHING BUT HIS POOP! Again not just a little
Noticed he was licking up his urine when playing in his pen. Urine was SUPER orange almost red.
June 6th (Saturday) I knew he need fluids & none of the exotic vets were in either office so I took him to the ER where they gave him fluids & scheduled dink for Monday
Monday vet said he need back molar trimmed & NOT TO GIVE CC
He was fine Tuesday-wed night. Tuesday made a turn for the worst, stopped eating & his bely was making watery noises (like if you shake a can of soup) I was told to start CC again & give him .3 ml of baby gas X.
That was yesterday. Now he is showing signs of Bloat & fighting the CC.
Please help as none of the exotic vets are in again.
Meds he is currently on.
CC fed 3-4 time daily- average about 9-15 ML daily
He was on antibiotic for 1 & ½ weeks, Bytril, Im sure Im butchering the name. That ended last Tuesday.
+ baby gasx 3 ml 3 to 4 times daily…is that to much??