Every chin is different. Gizmo was incredibly skittish for the first month or two, not allowing us to touch him and he'd scamper at the slightest movement or sound. After we upgraded him into a FN 142 & put our new chin Mojo on the upper level, he has relaxed quite a bit; he'll greet us whenever we get near the cage, crawl all over us, and even tolerates being held at times.
Mojo, however, has been outgoing since day 1. He was perfectly content being held (at 12 weeks old), and I have yet to see him scamper in fear from anything. He ALWAYS wants out of his cage, and since he's on the second level if I open the door he automatically leaps onto my shoulder. He'll just sit there and chill while I go about my business cleaning, and when I go to put him back he runs across my shoulders & hides behind my neck. He couldn't be happier than to be out with us. Chins have unique personalities, just like us it would seem