3 new boys *pics*

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2009
Los Angeles
I finally found my new men. I went going to pick up only two but then they had a handicap chin who was missing a front leg. They said no one was interested in him and he didn't have much time left so of course I scooped him up and so all 5 boys are home.
(No names Yet I am still working on personalities)

BOY 1 Blk Velvet:





BOY 2 Tan (though she said he was "champaign color?"):
He didn't want photos taken. He would rather Hide... it was a long day.





BOY 3 my "gimpy" boy with the missing front leg. He is a standard:

Does anyone have the rabbit maze and have a Covered pen they use that is Large enought to fit the maze??
Gretzky didnt want to be a good boy during play time and he climbed the dog pen to the top (about 3-4 feet?) and tried to shove his body between the metal sections.

I will be switching to either cardboard walls OR a pen which has a top.... I dont want him to hurt himself! Only one worry is if ANY of the dog play pens are big enough to house their maze and a dush bath...

They had my handicap boy with another female. They said he couldn't mate b/c he can't get ahold of a female to properly connect.
My roommate was thinking of purchasing another kennel and buying his bonded female and allowing them to live together.... BUT we dont want kits. Do you think that what they said above is true??-- Thxs
Haha....no. I am sure that a front limb missing will not prevent him from "connecting." It is too bad he can't live with her, but I don't see any good reason there wouldn't be kits.
No... your male should still be fully capable of mating even missing one limb.

If he was with a female and didn't produce kits, it's heard of the male being put with another female and producing. Sometimes there just isn't chemistry, or for whatever reason they don't produce. But in new scenery they mate and have kits.

ETA: did you quarantine the new boys? It looks like you have your older chins in there with them?
sent u a PM

No... your male should still be fully capable of mating even missing one limb.

If he was with a female and didn't produce kits, it's heard of the male being put with another female and producing. Sometimes there just isn't chemistry, or for whatever reason they don't produce. But in new scenery they mate and have kits.
I took my current chins to see the new chins at their facility to pick out my new boys. (so they were already in contact with the other chins)
I took the advice of the breeder and another member on here who has chins from them and use to breed herself.
They both said I didnt need to quarantine the old boys with the new ones.

ETA: did you quarantine the new boys? It looks like you have your older chins in there with them?
I would be leery of any breeder that would let someone bring their chins into their breeding facilities and let those chins have contact with all of their chins...but anyway, cute chins. I would keep any eye on them for illness/soft poop or diarrhea just in case...

I took my current chins to see the new chins at their facility to pick out my new boys. (so they were already in contact with the other chins)
I took the advice of the breeder and another member on here who has chins from them and use to breed herself.
They both said I didnt need to quarantine the old boys with the new ones.
Congratulations! :)) You've got some nice big beautiful boys!

I finally found my new men. I went going to pick up only two but then they had a handicap chin who was missing a front leg. They said no one was interested in him and he didn't have much time left so of course I scooped him up and so all 5 boys are home

Do you know why they told you the tripod doesn't have much time left?

Does anyone have the rabbit maze and have a Covered pen they use that is Large enought to fit the maze??

I found this for you -

omg theyre gorgeous and look happy and healthy!

congrats on the new lil ones!
Yeah, I was wondering too why a breeder would say a chin "doesn't have much time left" because no one was interested in him. Any responsible breeder would just keep the chin until finding a suitable home.

Very cute boys, none the less.