3 month old

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SO today i found out that my chin was born in july and i was wondering if it is ok to give her rose hips? I know your not supposed to give them treats but can anyone explain why? ALso before i knew how old she was i gave her some diced dried apples from chin world, is that bad?
I would not give rosehips, or anything other than hay, pellets and water until after 6 months. But then again, I am the 'treat Nazi'. They don't miss what they have never had. I know it's hard to wait, but it's best if you do wait.
The reason behind "no treats until after 6 months" is that if they are eating treats,they are less inclined to eat the feed and hay they need to grow.
Anything besides hay and pellets. Chin safe wood sticks, though, are OK to chew on.

You might try handfeeding a few pellets, since they seem to think that anything you hand them is "a treat"!!! :thumbsup:
what about those flavored bagel shaped things, and willow balls(i think thats what they are called)
Chew toy type things can be given as much as you want. So things like twigs, hanging toys, loofah, willow balls and other items, lava bites, those cardboard bagels or tubes, should all be fine to give.
Chews and toys are okay, anything they don't ingest is okay as long as it's chin safe of course!

Alfalfa cubes are okay too, and you can "flake" them apart and give a little "slice" as a treat!

Treats are not for chins, they are for people. Kind of like how kids don't need a new toy at the store, or for their birthdays or holidays, but as parents you love to see their face light up when they see it.
I am not the treat Nazi unlike Carol! My baby Lisa chin is 4 months old and she has been getting dried rosehips from me. I normally give a treat a day--healthy treats to my chins, a shreddie, dried rose hip, plain cheerio, so baby Lisa got a tiny bit of a rose hip when everyone else got a whole one. As for her not eating--not going to happen. She is a porker! She eats more than any other chin I have LOL! She also loves, loves, loves hay cubes and does get those on a regular basis.