2011 CA ECBC Fall Field Day

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Class 4 standards
CC - Nan Ebiner
RCC - Tabitha Hong (RDZC Ranch)

Class 5 standards
CC - Sumiko De La Vega (Chinchilla Chateau)
RCC - Tabitha Hong (RDZC Ranch)

Grand Show Champion - Sumiko De La Vega (Class 5)

Reserve Grand Show - Nan Ebiner (Class 4)

Breaking for lunch now. Congrats to the winners so far!
Mutation Show

CC - Tabitha Hong (RDZC Ranch) - PW
RCC - Summer Hale (bred by Chin Colores) - PW

No sapphires

No CC or RCC

CC - Sumiko De La Vega
RCC - Sumiko De La Vega
I really wish that I could make it that far. As it is right now, there is no way I can drive that far. I can still enjoy the pictures, though.
They are split into 5 classes to split up the animals into manageable-sized groups for the judge and also so each class has animals from different ranchers rather than one class being dominated by one rancher's animals. If there were 100 standards entered in a show, they'd be split into 10 classes. With the 5 class show, any chins with a cage card ending in a 1 or 6 is in class 1, a 2 or 7 is in class 2, a 3 or 8 is in class 3 and so on.

CC - Therese Gorostiza (bred by Chin Colores)
RCC - Shahna Thomas

Black Velvet
CC - Nan Ebiner
RCC - Nan Ebiner (bred by Shoots)
Grand Show Champion - BV - Nan Ebiner
Reserve Grand Show - beige - Sumiko De La Vega

Hooray! Thanks everyone for a great show. Tab was taking pictures so we should have those posted sometime soon.
Congrats to all the winners. Sumiko thanks for posting results.

I am happy that my 4 month old standard female took RGS. She was my only baby born so far this year.
Grats to everyone! And a big thank you to everyone who gave me a crash course in grooming!! My boys are pooped and think I'm going to attack them with a comb every time I stick my hand into their cage. It will need many many treats to regain some trust. LOL. It was a fun show and I had a good time seeing folks I met earlier this year, as well as meeting new faces. Hope to see you all in January.
I am friggin tired! What time is it??? I finally got home around 9pm with 24 chinchillas in tow, half mine and the other part are being transported for x, y and z. ;) Everyone is settled in their cages with water and food and I am 100% sure that I am never doing two chinchilla events within two weeks of each other ever again! Too much running around and I got a lecture from the fiance about stretching myself too thin.

I'm glad I got to meet the new exhibitors at the show today though! Therese and the Lamkins were extremely helpful and just great all around people to have at the show! I enjoyed trying to help you guys groom and I hope you learned a bit about grooming. :) Thank you to everyone who came to the show and made it as awesome as it was!

I apparently got carried away with the camera and took 100 photos. They are uploading to our group ECBC photobucket account right now and I will post a link when they are done. I tried very hard to get each chinchilla entered in the show in at least one picture. If I missed your chin, I'm very sorry and whoever is in charge of photos next time will work hard at getting ALL the chins in some photos! Feel free to save any photos to your computer. A lot of them are blurry because 1) I was taking them in a hurry and 2) Rod wouldn't get his big butt out of my way! :neener:
We definitely missed you, Sarah and Elisa at the show! If you all had been there, we would have had to implement the "S-ryan" and "S-tabitha". ;)

Here is a link to the photo album with all of the chinnie pictures. If your chinnie was uncooperative and all I got was a booty shot...you should have a talk with your chinnie about behaving and how to pose for the camera.

http://s1208.photobucket.com/albums/cc372/CAEmpress/2011 CA ECBC Fall Field Day/