Okay I just purchased my hedgie Gizmo from a friend. And i brought him home he was really shy so I let him settle in.At night he got up so I decided to take him out of the cage he huffed and balled up but when i put him on the ground he came out of his shell.I took him out with a cloth but after a while i started to hold him with my hands this is day 4. He bit me today for the first time, i thought things were going smooth because hes walking around letting me hold him and he randomly bit me. So i was confused and a little upset because I thought i was making progress.Also he hasn't been eating or drinking much.It's the same food he has been eating and he poop is like green. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I take him out at 9 every night for like 15 to 40 minutes and give him a meal worm or two when he is being good.I'm just a little worried.