2 year old hedgie bonding help D:

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Okay I just purchased my hedgie Gizmo from a friend. And i brought him home he was really shy so I let him settle in.At night he got up so I decided to take him out of the cage he huffed and balled up but when i put him on the ground he came out of his shell.I took him out with a cloth but after a while i started to hold him with my hands this is day 4. He bit me today for the first time, i thought things were going smooth because hes walking around letting me hold him and he randomly bit me. So i was confused and a little upset because I thought i was making progress.Also he hasn't been eating or drinking much.It's the same food he has been eating and he poop is like green. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I take him out at 9 every night for like 15 to 40 minutes and give him a meal worm or two when he is being good.I'm just a little worried.
What type of bite did he give you? Did he lick (a couple of times?) and then bite or just stealthy bit you and hung on?

I ask because there are a few different types of bites that a hedgehog will give (at least that's been my experience.).

If they lick and then bite, your hands/arm/etc has something on it that smells interesting and the hedgehog is biting to taste it. That something could be anything from food, perfume, lotion, scented soap, etc. This type of biting is more of a nip and can be prevented by ensuring your skin is free from anything that may smell interesting.

Biting can also be a warning. These are not usually hard bites and they typically mean "stop it, leave me alone."

Then there is the aggressive biter. These will typically bite, clamp down and not let go. I've had one that would even grind his teeth. These bites were not warnings they are meant to hurt.

No matter what type of bite your hedgehog is doing, do not put him immediately back in his cage. Doing so can promote the biting behavior as he will learn it gets him what he wants (in his cage). I also give them a quick puff of air in their face when they bite to try to help deter it. It helped with 1 biter, and not with another I had, so results do vary.

Try taking him out for longer periods of time... I recommend at least 1 hour and to take him out at the same time daily. These little guys do very well if you get them on a schedule. They learn when to expect things.
yeah it was a little nip but no licking i think he wanted to be alone haha. And I have been taking him out around 8ish 9 at night every day and hes been fine..just sometimes he huffs but hes getting use to me i think. JUST PATIENCE is hard when your so excited to hold him without the pin cushion :].I just held him an hour ago and he was nice he ate his food off my lap. He is still afraid of my hand. but now i know what to do when he bites me.
Nips like, I usually back off, but I don't stop interacting with them/holding them. He needs to learn that nipping/biting isn't gong to result in a reward. These little guys are smart, and they will quickly figure out when something works you do it again.

Hedgehogs will teach you patience whether you like it or not. It can take quite a while for some to learn that you are OK and to bond with you.

You mentioned below eating and green stools, I missed it the first time. Green stools are very common in hedgehogs. They are often caused by stress (whether from a new home, new diet, or illness). Since he is new to you, I'm going to guess these are new home stress stools. They should be fairly normal in consistency and frequency but a little green. The color should clear up within a few days.

For eating, some hedgehogs will go on hunger strikes when coming to new homes. Few suggestions, feed the same food he was eating previously (unless it is completely inappropriate) and slowly add in new foods if you are switching his diet. Next if you don't think he is eating, count his kibble, it will give you a better idea of what is going on, if he isn't eating at all you may have to syringe feed him to prevent fatty liver disease from setting in. And lastly, weigh him daily. This will tell you if he is losing weight (not eating enough).
yeah i didnt pull away..and he started eating and drinking today..and he peed on me..lol he fell asleep on me today under a blanket he was so cute.he didn't hiss at me AT ALL today..so i think were on the right track. Tomorrow I'm going to start mixing chicken soup for the cat lovers with his old food...little nervous but thank you so much. And i was wondering if i should give him a bath because he has poop between his nails and I don't know the last time he was washed or should i wait a little longer.?
Sounds like you are making great progress. Its always hard to tell when to give them their first baths. If he seems to be adjusting well and is eating, give him a bath. If he is really dirty it may make him feel better to get the yuck off.