My best advice would be to take a long time and read through each section on here. You'll find much better info on here then in stores/books it seems. It's great you found this place. I'm sure others will chime in as well, I'd say definatly make sure your able to give them a comfortable enviroment, especially temperature wise, They can easily overheat in temps you are probably comfy in, so make sure they are in a room with an AC, or a basement which most of times doesn't require an AC but potentionally a dehumidifier. I think alot of people start looking out for them when it gets to be 70 degrees F, but it also depends on humidity as well, but I think most would say not to have it get too much higher then 70.
Most treats you will hear about are usually bad such as raisins, or any fruit, veggies etc....most people seem to like shredded wheat, plain cherrios, or rose hips. Plenty of Hay and Pellets as well. And of course clean water, alot of people use a filter system to make sure the water is clean, they can get what is called giardi(sp?) from the tap. I used tap for years with no problem, but changed after I read that just to be safe. PUR seems to be a good tap system, or people buy water from the stores that says reverse osmosis on it.
and chew toys are always good.
Alot of info, but i'm sure others will chime in and give you more info as well. But definatly spend alot of time reading the difference sections. Housing, Health, Behavior, Diet etc.....