
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Mar 30, 2011
About a week ago we took our Chin to the vet. One of his teeth grew too long and needed to be filed down. The vet put him out and took care of it. They said it didn't look like he needed antibiotics, but to watch him. He looked ok, he started eating his hay and treats again, and ran around like normal. He seemed very happy. When we checked on him today he looked terrible. I know he needs to get a vet, but the closest one in my area is a good 5 or 6 hours away. By the time we get to the emergency vet his normal vet will be open. It doesn't look like the poor little guy has ate today. One of his eyes is matted shut and around his mouth looks a little swollen. He is salivating and his little chest is wet. I am letting him lay in his dust bath and he isn't moving too much. I have seen him get up a few times, he came and sat on my husbands arm. He just looks bad.

I'm afraid we didn't notice something was wrong before it was too late. We feel horribly guilty. Do you think he will make it?
I agree with ticklechin, take him to a vet asap. He sounds really poorly and i wouldnt risk waiting. I really hope he gets better the poor little man....
Get him to a vet ASAP and don't blame yourself. Chins hide illness and injury very well. Like mentioned previously, by the time they do show it, they are in pretty bad shape. Please, keep us updated on how he is doing.