So I took my younger female to the ER vet this morning because all night I had noticed her grinding her teeth and doing a weird stretch/dragging her belly across the floor. She has also recently become lethargic and I can't seem to get her to eat much, athough I've seen her pee once and poop a little bit (not normal though I don't think). I had suspected she was pregnant because she's housed with a male and has been sleeping on her side the past few weeks, but I only got her in May.
The vets are saying that they can feel a hard mass in her "cottle abdomen" and it could possibly be an abnormal fetus that needs to be removed. They estimated that all the medical costs for ultrasound, stay in the hospital, and then the surgery would come out to be about $1200. Is that not crazy??? What do I do?? My other option they say is to euthanize her... Because she's in so much pain. But an ultrasound costs $260 to see what's wrong so I guess I will do that, but then there really isn't much chance I can afford to do much else...
I already had to pay $165 for her to be seen at this hospital, this is horrendous, I just want her to be better
Can anyone help me out with what to do? I can barely afford the ultrasound.
The vets are saying that they can feel a hard mass in her "cottle abdomen" and it could possibly be an abnormal fetus that needs to be removed. They estimated that all the medical costs for ultrasound, stay in the hospital, and then the surgery would come out to be about $1200. Is that not crazy??? What do I do?? My other option they say is to euthanize her... Because she's in so much pain. But an ultrasound costs $260 to see what's wrong so I guess I will do that, but then there really isn't much chance I can afford to do much else...
Can anyone help me out with what to do? I can barely afford the ultrasound.