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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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    my chin is lonely..

    Yea, ive been thinking about that and I dont think i would want to risk any animals lives. Pheobe seems pretty content by her self with just me
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    my chin is lonely..

    It was just a thought to get her a friend for when im gone so she isn't by herself. But ill think about it more. But thank you for your response. My friend had two chins, a female and a male and they were perfectly fine. The female was nervous around new people and the male was very social. But...
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    my chin is lonely..

    Thank you everyone. Maybe pheobe is happy being alone. I mean shes been eating a healthy diet and she seems to perk up when I get home from work (I work afternoons) but I dunno, maybe i need to shoe her just a wee bit more attention bc I do see her sitting on her ledge looking at me. But yes...
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    my chin is lonely..

    I've been thinking about getting her (pheobe) a friend so she isnt so lonely when I'm at work and someone else to play with. I give her attention all the time she just still seems very lonely or sad. This is my last option plus, ive been wanting to get another chin for a while. Pheobe is a girl...
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    in need of new bedding and worried shes lonely. help?!

    My first question is about bedding. I've been using carefresh ultra for almost a year now and i like it bc its not too dusty..but I've been reading that since its recycled paper and it expands if wet..well I just realized that my chin (pheobe) does chew on it here and there. I sony want her...
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    hello everyone! im new here

    Thank you! I really appreciate it (: And yes I try to spend much time with her as possible so she can get used to me haha she's seems like she's getting comfortable with me and my boyfriend too. She always comez up and sniffs our hands or nibbles on them..sometimes she even sits on my hand for a...
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    hello everyone! im new here

    Thanks! I've been being paitent with her and been talking to her while im giving her new food water and hay. I think its just going to take lots of time and patience with her (: She's been getting a lot better eince i first got her, ao i think its working (:
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    hello everyone! im new here

    Hello everyone, i just found this fourm and thought it would be a good idea to join. My name is Alicia, I'm a new chinchilla owner. She's a lavender grey color and her name is pheobe haha..she's the cutest little thing. I love her. Im not sure how old she is though :/ (she was young when I got...