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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. K

    Bored chinchilla

    My chinchilla Louie is bored. He comes out every day for quite a while. He has a lot of toys, very large cage, safe things to chew on and different levels and perches to jump to but he is still bored. He doesn't really get along too well with other chinchillas either. What can i do besides get...
  2. K

    Chinchilla wont eat, is very lathargic and has diarrhea. Vets dont know what to do??

    My poor little guy didn't make it. The only exotic vet around literally refused to see him until 2:30 when I called at 8:30 AM(even when I stated he would die before then). We put him into other care and gave him fluids, cc, and other treatments but after a few hours he passed <3 he will always...
  3. K

    Chinchilla wont eat, is very lathargic and has diarrhea. Vets dont know what to do??

    I'm not sure if the diarrhea has stopped or not. I've called a couple vets they are trying to find someone for me that knows a little about exotic pets. Thanks for all your help
  4. K

    Chinchilla wont eat, is very lathargic and has diarrhea. Vets dont know what to do??

    I have a fairly new chinchilla at home with a cage mate he has been very active with the other and loves when it comes time for treats. This morning while cleaning his cage he hardly moved, we took him out of the cage and he did nothing but lay around. We tried to feed him something and he...