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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. P

    Treats - where to order from?

    Thank you so much, Amethyst! Indeed, I am in BC, Close enough to the border that we have a postal box in Washington, so shipping from the States is cheaper. has a Sale now, it was the best option. I think I have ordered enough to last my two sweet potatoes for three years :).
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    Treats - where to order from?

    Hi all, Years ago I got a box of assorted treats by Iki Kolohe ( That website is gone now. I have searched old threads of this helpful forum, found a recondensation for Full Cheeks "rosehip & dandelion blend" that I cannot find online either. Even at Quality Cage they are...
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    Benign fatty tumor on Chinno's neck (lipoma ?)

    Thank you, Amethyst! They do have a chinspin. They live in a 3 level CN cage (with extra shelves), run up and down all levels. No real excersize outside the cage, though. They get very little treats, mostly dried camomille flowers and some dried herbs. I give them unlimited hey plus total of 6...
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    Benign fatty tumor on Chinno's neck (lipoma ?)

    Hi all, Chinno is quite fat (compared to his brother), but had always been like that. He is now about 6 years old. Recently he gained even more waight, and my daughter noticed he is "fatter on the left side of his neck". Vet confirmed, took a biopcy and said it looked like fat, and we decided...
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    What do you do with your used Aspen Shavings?

    Thank you Amethyst & Saffron! Are you just spreading the poops on the ground or do you have to work it into the ground?
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    What do you do with your used Aspen Shavings?

    Every time I clean the cage and get scoops of poop, uneaten hey and used Aspen Shavings I wonder: Can I use it as fertilizer / cover material for the garden? Should I trash it or put in the compost? What do you do?
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    Chinchillas generating electricity

    Thank you for this interesting question. I have never heard of anybody connecting their chins to a dynamo system, but I quickly checked how much power you can expect from them. Using a (humen) bike dynamo as an upper limit, this website estimated it by 3W, less than a slow iPhone charger draws...
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    What cage do you use?

    I started with 2 levels Ferret Nation, added the third floor last winter. Love it!
  9. P

    Too hot for Chinzia?

    I am using a higher set point. I have an old note of a simple formula for the allowed heat load envalope for Chinchillas: Keep the sum of Temperature in F and relative humidity in % less than 150. This means that if the room is at 75°F it is safe as long as the relative humidity is under 75%...
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    Best/Worst Brand of Dust

    I join the recomendation for Poof. Tries several ones (can't remember names), the Chins clearly preferred the Oxbow Poof.
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    Meet Viktor and Jayce!

    Hi Kyle, To attach toys, hammocks and other accesories I am using metal hools that are normally used for shower curtain. They are cheap and durable. Mine are similar to these in the link below, withour the weird beads. Look for the largest clips possible, they are easier to open and close...
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    Meet Viktor and Jayce!

    Hi Kyle, I love the size of your cage! Lucky Viktor & Jayce! Thinking along the lines of Amethyst's advice, instead of installing a floor divider made of wood you can consider getting a simple fleece blanket (what's cold here a "throw") and attaching it to the cage (using fleece strings or...
  13. P

    More chinchillas?

    I have two brothers, housed together. They sleep side by side maybe half the time, which tells me they need each other. However, they do fight on occasion (always the same: Chicco is chasing Chino all around the two floors). They don't ever fight over food or treats that I hand out to them. They...
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    Three level Critter Nation cage

    Hi all, My two Chins have been happily living in a two-level CN cage (model 161+163), located in my living room. Their chin-spin is at the 2nd level now. I an thinking of getting another add-on (CN 163) to make it into a three-level cage. It will fit the room height. I am ready to order but...
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    Cleaning schedual while on vacation

    Thanks a lot, Amethyst and Jawramik, for the good advice and encouragement! The Chin-sitter said they are perfectly willing to learn and practice, so we will do a change of bedding / cleaning together at least once before we live. And I got a new set of bedding that will be easier for them to...
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    Cleaning schedual while on vacation

    Hi all, My two Chins live in a two story Critter Nation cage, with fleece bedding (with towels underneath) and two bowls of aspen shavings that they use for peeing - some of the time. They also have two water bottles. I am changing their bedding once per week (and sweep their floors every other...
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    Rest in peace Bazil

    Oh Amethyst, My sincere condolences on Bazil's passing. I am so sorry for him (and you). For whatever it is worth, I don't think it was the heat wave. We went through it here on the coast of BC, had 44 deg C in the shade on Monday (that's 111 F). No A/C. I moved the cage to the basement (and...
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    Bitten ear / Polysporin question

    Thank you so much, tunes & Amethyst! Do you happen to know where can I find Blu-Kote in Canada (in a Chinchilla quantity :-))?
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    Bitten ear / Polysporin question

    Hi there, Chino's ear has a scab (right in the middle) with about 3 mm of redness around it. Spotted it yesterday's night. I considered putting Polysporin on, but saw (in other threads) that people say NOT to use Polysporin if it has pain relief med. Of course, this is the type I have. So...
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    Palm leaf - is it safe?

    Thank you!