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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. J

    Pee is really dark

    My girlfriend told me our chinchilla is "leaking" a dark like color pee when she picked her up which got on her shirt. She hasn't been really active, and stood in the corner of her cage for a majority of the day. Which is what worried her. She doesn't seem to be drinking much water either. On a...
  2. J

    Pee is really dark

    Need some advice please! My girlfriend picked up her chinchilla yesterday and a dark brown flow coming out of her genitalia. She also constantly cleans herself down there and were not sure if its an infection. We never been to a vet before, and I currently am scared if I may not be able to...
  3. J

    Urinary Infection?

    Hey all, need some really important advice. Is it normal for a chinchilla to lay down constantly throughout the whole night and continue clean her genitalia? She is doing it much more now, and im worried something may be wrong.
  4. J

    Chinchilla is scratching one area of herself

    I have a female chinchilla and her name is Hunny. I've had her for about two years now, which she actually lives with my girlfriend (she suffers from depression, and recently lost her dog and since having a chinchilla she's been more loving about things). Seeing Hunny missing hair and her...
  5. J

    Chinchilla is scratching one area of herself

    Hey all, glad I found a chinchilla forum! I have an emergency, and need some guidance because me and my girlfriend are novice with chinchilla's. At the moment, our chinchilla is missing a big patch of fur on the side of her back. She keeps scratching, biting, and rolling on her sides. She's...