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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Narcissus

    Cooling off?

    I would never shut the door and leave a chin in a freezer. Hypothermia can set in very quickly. Thats just my personal opinion...
  2. Narcissus

    Mother suddenly rejecting 3 week old kit!

    Well, definitely separate the mother from the kit. You'll need goats milk and either an eye dropper or a small syringe to hand feed the baby. The recipe for the milk is under the FAQ in breeding section. I would help more but im on my phone so im limited.
  3. Narcissus

    2014 West Coast MCBA Show

    Congrats Ryan on your grand show and reserve grand show!
  4. Narcissus

    sick chin

    I agree, sounds like a seizure. Watch him closely.
  5. Narcissus

    2014 West Coast MCBA Show

    What is the address for where the show will be held?
  6. Narcissus

    What color is this chin?

    Looks hetero beige to me :)
  7. Narcissus

    Escaped Chinchilla

    Be sure to carefully look inside dresser drawers
  8. Narcissus

    Miniature pot belly pig!

    Such a cutie! I had a pot belly pig for many years. They are very smart, I taught mine to sit, lay down, roll over, pray, speak, walk through tunnels.... they are just like dogs. I will say, be careful when you start breeding. Even the sweetest pig can get very mean when in breeding. Not all do...
  9. Narcissus

    Chin Trying To Escape

    ignore her when she is trying to chew the bars on the cage. she is just trying to get your attention, if you give in and give her what she wants she will learn that she can get attention that way.
  10. Narcissus

    Kits Born Weeks Apart??

    I would take out the older kit for a couple hours at a time to allow the new baby some alone time with mom. I would do 2 hours with older kit out, and 2 hours with both kits in. Keep rotating until younger kit catches up.
  11. Narcissus

    Ikea shelf safe?

    No it is not safe. He will eventually chew it and it has many chemicals in it.
  12. Narcissus

    Food question

    Do you have any ranch and farm stores in your area? Most sell mana pro or Purina rabbit pellets.
  13. Narcissus

    introducing my chins - help!

    It is to late to quarantine now. But I'm the future quarantine is recommended. I would search introductions on here, you'll find many helpful threads.
  14. Narcissus

    Ughh water bottles

    Honestly. I get cheep water bottles at the farm and feed store where I get my feed. They cost me $2.50 and they are the awesome. They are plastic so the must go on the or side of the cage, but they never leak!
  15. Narcissus

    question for chin parents who have a chin missing a front paw/leg

    You need to separate him from the female or you will have babies. I have had males with amputated legs breed females before. Even if he seems like he can't... he will! Other than that. Add long add he had one front paw he will be able to wipe dust from his nose. Dust baths shouldn't bother him.
  16. Narcissus

    Bonded pair fighting ONLY at playtime

    I personally would separate them for good. These are all signs that they are not getting along and one day you might come home or wake up to a dead or injured chinchilla.
  17. Narcissus

    don't you just hate..

    With out fur ranchers you wouldn't have any pet chins. I wouldn't judge the industry if you do not fully understand it. You don't have to like the idea of fur pelting, but without that industry you wouldn't have your pets.
  18. Narcissus

    owned by two boys

    I'm so glad the boys are doing good. Your such a good chin mommy!
  19. Narcissus


    You catch them... don't worry about slipping fur. Try the dust bath, if that doesn't work then you just catch them.
  20. Narcissus

    Tradition vs. Manna Pro Sho

    I feed Manna Pro Show. All of my chins love it and thrive on it