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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Narcissus

    Looking for a locken chinchilla in arizona

    I don't believe they are being sold in the US yet.... but I could be wrong.
  2. Narcissus

    Oh Dear.....

    I usually put mine on fleece instead of shavings. Change the fleece once a day and clean it two or three times a day
  3. Narcissus

    Oh Dear.....

    I've had several chins get fingers nipped and they have healed just fine
  4. Narcissus

    Looking for mosaics, black velvets and violets in Colorado

    I am not in Colorado. But we might be going through Colorado later this year.there are a couple breeders close to me and I am some animals too. If your interested.
  5. Narcissus

    Oh God, he swallowed it.

    I had a chin do the same thing about a year ago.... only it was a diamond she swallowed. We did x-rays, and could see it. Vet told me to give her simethicone and watch her. She is still alive today and had no issues. I would still take him in just to be safe. But I just wanted to give you a...
  6. Narcissus

    Cage mates help!

    You must make sure the cage is completely neutral. Or one will be territorial.
  7. Narcissus

    Homo ebony born to two violets?

    Definitely a dark/medium ebony, not an extra dark. Somebody is mistaken somewhere. Violets genetically must throw a violet gene. So breeding two violets together means you will get 100% violet offspring. Regardless of the ebony factor. In my very humble opinion, any reputable breeder that is...
  8. Narcissus

    Homo ebony born to two violets?

    If the kit is an ebony and not a violet wrap then genetically both parents can not be violet. Unless one parent is afro violet and one German violet. With ebony some where in the lines. Then the kit would be an ebony gv-v/carrier. Could the kit be a very dark violet wrap??? Do you have picture?
  9. Narcissus

    Father and Son

    No. Your best option is to reunite father and son after the baby weans. Keep the boys as a pair and the female by herself. She will be ok as a single chin. Two males together in a cage with a female is asking for dead chins. Even neutered males will fight.
  10. Narcissus

    Homo ebony born to two violets?

    If both parents were violets then he would have to be a violet wrap. Or is one of his parents a violet carrier? Ebony cam be carried for many many generations
  11. Narcissus

    Chinchilla dehydration? Diet change?

    If you insist on feeding something like raisins.... please please please use craisins instead. Grapes and raisins are actually toxics to most mammals. Grapes can make dogs very sick. I don't suggest using either. But if you insist. Please use craisins
  12. Narcissus

    Baby treats...

    He'll be ok. :)
  13. Narcissus

    What do you personally look for in a breeding pair?

    Look under the section of chinchilla shows on this forum. The Washington show has been posted. I beLieve California has too. These shows are ECBC shows
  14. Narcissus

    What do you personally look for in a breeding pair?

    Ivory. I live in Idaho. There are shows in Seattle Washington and California every year. Much closer than Ohio. We go every year.
  15. Narcissus

    Two males with females nearby?

    I've never had any problems. I have a bachelor cage with 7 males right next to my breeding runs and they don't have any issues at all. As long as they are not in the same cage as a female they should be ok.
  16. Narcissus

    Too high of a metacam dosage? Advice please.

    Obsessed....I can't help you there. My opinion on chins with malo is not the same as others. I put them down. It is a horribly painful way to die, it isn't curable. But others might be able to help.
  17. Narcissus

    Too high of a metacam dosage? Advice please.

    That's sounds ok to me. Dosage on my female was 0.5 she weighed 755 grams
  18. Narcissus

    Just neutered.

    I don't understand why vets can't do it like my vet does. When my vet stitches an animal up there are no visible stitches..... I'll have to ask what that type of stitching is called.
  19. Narcissus

    Preparing For A Play Date

    There are so many illnesses and viruses that will not be checked for and may not show symptoms. It is not a good idea.