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  1. kerri101

    Chinchilla Taming

    you can try safe /wood sticks chin LOVES sticks and when I offer one she will go crazy for them ...there are some thin willow ones that I give to my chin when shes begging at the cage door since I cant let her out all the day ...
  2. kerri101

    another 'Think real hard before you breed'

    Oh no I am so sorry that pregnancy went wrong....I hope she will feel better very soon ....I am so scared to get another chin ...a lot of pet stores don't know how to sex them, and some owners who let them go dont know what they are either.... if I ever do Im buying from a breeder and making...
  3. kerri101

    The Christine's (Twilight Chins) Creative Mind Fan Club Thread!

    I knew it was a good size but when I pulled it from the box it was so nice and thick and I said hmmmmm now this is a Toy chilla does not tear apart in an hour !!!! The other hanger I ordered is nice and real woody too !!
  4. kerri101

    The Christine's (Twilight Chins) Creative Mind Fan Club Thread!

    My chilla got her package today !!! I was so amazed at how she "chibbled" and she is very happy!!!! and I was like wow what a nice big toy !!!!!!!!! TY Christine for making chilla happy today!!!
  5. kerri101

    how i spent my Sunday.......

    I love that they are vibrant colorful nice toys!!! I have to admit the chew toys from stores dont last the "chibbling" of my chin LOL
  6. kerri101


    Oxbow, mazuri, manna pro show ( its a rabbit food but safe for chins), tradition chinchilla pellets....these seem to be the top good ones without added sugars or seeds
  7. kerri101

    Wally tries to bite me, but only on one wooden ledge...?

    I think he is "claiming" that ledge as his own hes up higher he maybe feels like he is the boss up there LOL...My chin gets nippy when she is out and I go near her "poo" spot in my room ( yup she has a place she loves to poo outside of the cage
  8. kerri101

    naughty chin CHIBBLED the wall!!!

    Yes they are so sneaky at times LOL I wanted to say in my first post I watch her like a hawk LOLOLOL but then I felt bad thinking of a chin with a hawk circling her I know it was very random ...she never did this before then looked at me paused and bit I was like NoooOOOOooooo and of course...
  9. kerri101

    naughty chin CHIBBLED the wall!!!

    I always watch my girl while she is out since Im super paranoid....well Im glad I did she was sitting at my desk and all of a sudden she "CHIBBLED" the wall!!! Im hoping since I said no she wont do this again or she will be forced into a playpen naughty girl LOL I do feed her well and have lotsa...
  10. kerri101

    Are twigs/sticks a one a day treat?

    I give lotsa sticks my chin has thin ones.....thick the middle ones LOL I give her free range chew
  11. kerri101

    is chinchilla poo bad for you?

    LOL !!!!!!!!!! I clean the poos in my room but then I find poo in my window sill....behind my bed...under my my drawers somehow ( chilla does not go in there) been ok so far...I even pick up chin poo with my hand if I have to and wash them right after
  12. kerri101

    Teeth grinding

    my chilla will only do that if I have given her an oat or rose hip and she wants more....her teeth and appetite are fine I think its her way of trying to get my attention to give in to her
  13. kerri101

    Does my chin hate his cuddle buddy?

    There are certain toys I have had that get pushed around and thrown...maybe could be its new to him...maybe could be hes having so much fun at night it gets pushed down there and he cant drag it back up ...have you seen him playing with it?
  14. kerri101

    It's HOT today!

    In all the way in NH and yesterday was 80+ with humidity!!! AC has been pulled out for over a month now !!! My husband does paving I dont know how some people work outside in the hot temps!
  15. kerri101

    Snuggly chin?

    There are two times my chin is snugly 1- if she smells a snack I am eating if she is in the room playing....then I have to fend her off because she cant have any lol...2- when I walk by her cage and she wants out she will jump into my arms and snuggle for 30 seconds until she decides she wants...
  16. kerri101

    Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmonyyy

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha That is toooooooooooo cute hot tubbing chinnys!!!!
  17. kerri101

    Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmonyyy

    Thats very nice that the introductions are coming along and I must say what nice pics of them together !!! I love the first pic they are just hanging out neat!!!
  18. kerri101

    stained glass chinchilla.

    This is really beautiful how neat!!
  19. kerri101

    Oxbow treats

    I bought those too....and chilla would not go neat them full size....broken....crushed..... a piece of the shreddies and cheerio , rose hip on occasion seem to be the way to go...
  20. kerri101

    Don't think Cuddles is going to make it...

    Oh I am so happy for you and chin what very good news!!!!!!