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  1. kerri101

    Goodness do you have CHIN dreams or CHINmares LOL

    oh wow that sound real fun!! Have a great time !!! ok this is very weird had another chin chin was in its was not in the same room but there was a square of bubble gum and I watched chin take a bite ...she blew a huge pink bubble and i was worried when it popped she...
  2. kerri101

    Something rotted in her mouth

    dogs can also get gingivitis and that is really really smelly too
  3. kerri101

    Goodness do you have CHIN dreams or CHINmares LOL

    I had yet another weird chin dream......I was in a room with a ton of abandoned chins.....they were in fish tanks which I knew was not ok....they were mixed with rabbits which is another nono so I was trying to move the rabbits outside to a rabbit hutch....the chins were reproducing at a crazy...
  4. kerri101

    Look what we did!!

    I like your chin house and the accessories that you places around it....what is neat is that is one sturdy chew toy that will last a while really neat great job!
  5. kerri101

    Understanding no?

    I do think they have an understanding.....I clap my hands and say No when chilla is doing things she should not do...even with a chin proofed room they will nibble on a wall....or furniture....I think between the sound and the No she has gotten the hint because she stops what she is doing LOL...
  6. kerri101

    is there any such thing as to much playtime for an adult chin?

    This could also be a option too even I was thinking of moving her cage to my bedroom ( we couldn't have it in the bedroom with the winter woodstove) so she was down the opposite end of the house all winter and fall... even with limited playtime I like having the idea she can go in her cage if...
  7. kerri101

    is there any such thing as to much playtime for an adult chin?

    TY for the feedback...I figured it would be better to ask and get some others input before doing any changes.....I try to do 45 mins in the am because she still is awake all day even in a dead quiet house....and then at night around 7 get her 90 mins a day....when I switch to the FN cage...
  8. kerri101

    Tex Buckaroo Hufflepuff: Adopted 2/15/2010 - Passed 4/2/2012

    Im am sorry for the loss of your loved hedgie
  9. kerri101

    is there any such thing as to much playtime for an adult chin?

    I was just wondering what others thoughts are with leaving chin out or a few hours like 2-3 hours? or even more in a climate controlled chin proof room with me in it of course? My main concern is she would get mad at being in the cage at me ? and what if I missed a few days so far I have had her...
  10. kerri101

    I hate it when a chinchilla eats the universe.

    LOL they sure do seem to eat everything!!!!!!!! that is chin can eat a whole big pumice,bunch of willow sticks,willow ball... loofah....pellets...hay.... timothy twists...finger traps....and wood chews in ONE night that might equal to the universe in chinchilla specs LOL
  11. kerri101

    how to hold chinchilla

    I hold my chin very close to me in a scooped position on one arm and then I will put one hand on the base of her tail.......shes never moved around to much that she was ever held my just her tail but it seems to work for securing her because just walking with her in two hands would put pressure...
  12. kerri101

    Cleaning Survey

    1.) How large is/are your chinchilla cage/cages? How many chins are in each cage? 30X22X20 one chin 2a.) If you use fleece liners, how often do you change them? dont use fleece chin seems to chew it 2b.) How often do you vacuum poop from inside the cage? I use shavings I spot clean daily...
  13. kerri101

    quick update on Buckie

    I am glad that your chin is doing better its hard when they dont feel well
  14. kerri101

    Goodness do you have CHIN dreams or CHINmares LOL

    oh wow yes I agree when we think of something before bed we can be chin is the last thing I do at night so may be the reason why this happens LOL I am glad I am not alone in this !!!!!
  15. kerri101

    Goodness do you have CHIN dreams or CHINmares LOL

    Oh yikes that would be one dream I would be very glad to wake up from !!!! Im trying to figure out why I am having chin dreams so often I think Im becoming obsessed with chinchillas LOL
  16. kerri101

    6 chins, each on different Pellets

    I had fed my chin mazuri for 3 months and she did fine with a cold switch....the only reason I switched to oxbox was the store stopped selling it up here, and the other store would only special order me the HUGE bag which was not good for me since I only have one chin
  17. kerri101

    Goodness do you have CHIN dreams or CHINmares LOL

    The past two nights I had chin dreams.... yes I dream of chinchillas ......the one last night was not so bad it was just about getting more chinchillas.....( secretly I may want more but wont be making any decisions until this is thought out for a long time) The one before I had a chin...
  18. kerri101

    Chin keeps escaping from cage

    Mine did that too when I first got her...she was smaller and we didnt know her age....I covered mine with wire as seen in the took a little while to do and secure but also I have cats and they cant stick there paws or lick chin through the bars....and she got out when I was sleeping...
  19. kerri101

    Question on ferret nation cages?

    oh wow !!! I just looked great idea !!!! so many options lol tile....pans....wood....I think I will probably go with bass pans and then ledges
  20. kerri101

    Question on ferret nation cages?

    TY I so wish I could do fleece my chin chews it ..... when people use tile I am wondering what to stick the tiles to I can cut some safe kiln dried pine ....there is so much planning and researching that goes with this LOL