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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Kayluh

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to CnH, sounds like ya got a zoo going on woo! :)
  2. Kayluh


    Welcome to CnH :)
  3. Kayluh

    Hello Hello

    Welcome to CnH :) && Congrats!!
  4. Kayluh

    Hello from KY

    Welcome to CnH :)
  5. Kayluh

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome Karli, nice to see you back :)
  6. Kayluh

    Word Association

  7. Kayluh

    This or That

    does iced tea count? LOL Snickers or MilkyWay?
  8. Kayluh

    Funny Chin Nicknames

    Blaize- Blaizey Poo, Mr. Blaize, Big B, Blaizey Fazey. Snowball- Snowy, Bally, Snowcakes, Snowers.
  9. Kayluh

    Accidental Cute Picture

    aww how adorable ;)
  10. Kayluh

    Chin #5

    Congrats! Pandoras a cutie!
  11. Kayluh

    My 2 new gals!

    Congratulations! Both look uber cutesy!
  12. Kayluh

    Jigsaw and Calypso...Our two super divas!

    Love both the names and all the pics are so cute!
  13. Kayluh

    Chinchilla Commercial

    LOL @ the video :D
  14. Kayluh

    Word Association

  15. Kayluh


    Welcome back :)
  16. Kayluh

    Hello from the UK

    Welcome to CnH Claire :)
  17. Kayluh

    Greetings again!

    Thanks ya'll. LOL Mae I never got a hammy decided not to, got to busy with work and such ;P but glad your on CnH too :D
  18. Kayluh

    Greetings again!

    Hey there =] I'm back again, I decided to keep the same name just capitalized it. For those who don't know me I'm Kayla from Michigan, 21 years old, & I have two male chins- a mosaic named Snowball and a std grey named Blaize. It's really nice to see everyone returning. I missed u all!
  19. Kayluh

    A Cute Shot of Tika

    aww, what a cutie!
  20. Kayluh

    My Guys

    Party over there! LOL @ Mittens expression.