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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. K

    The final product: Chinchilla Tattoo

    Thats really unique.......beautiful!
  2. K

    Drying Wood?

    Drying wood depends on size. Turn your oven on to 200 to 250, place the wood on cookie sheets in the middle of your oven, I suggest 2 hours to 6 hours depending on the snap test when drying....drying wood is a personal judgement! And trial and error!!:) Good Luck
  3. K

    The best time to cut wood

    Yes as long as you know they are safe I mean not sprayed with an pesticides or insecticides!
  4. [No title]

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  5. K

    Is this mold?

    I haven't had any experience with dogwood either. If we could see it in person we may be able to tell you better what it is. It also could be weathered but who knows.....sorry we aren't alot of help!
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  8. Webpage Stuff

    Webpage Stuff

  9. [No title]

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  10. WoodSnuggle


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  13. Hershey


    My Beige Chin