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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. fuji9991

    Advice on warmer state

    I don't know about North Carolina but I have been to South Carolina and it gets majorly hot in south Carolina. If you look up wather sites they should show a median temp for the months of the year and you can compare to NY. The jet stream usually never dips below south carolina which is what...
  2. fuji9991

    Just curious...

    Yes and its actually good for them, their feet and their ears are their body's temp regulators, that is how they stay cool and where their body heat regulates from. I have heard people that have marble in their cages specifically to help keep them cool if they wish by standing or laying on it...
  3. fuji9991


    She was probably about 3-4 years old before she stopped running away at most every movement. She is not shy at all anymore and I can pet her once gentelly but she will not willingly allow herself to be picked up and if I maintain any firm contact for more than a few seconds before she protests...
  4. fuji9991

    What is the closest chinchilla rescue in Columbus, Ohio

    Can you try to email [email protected] they are closer to the northern coast of ohio and she may no longer operate because I see the website is down. I worked with her for years when I lived in Ohio and bought all my supplies from her. If she is not operating she will know some places...
  5. fuji9991

    How to deal with giving away your chinchilla

    Our chinchilla has moved 4 times and every time has been totally fine. Before we move we always make sure there is a place for her where we are moving. Are you sure you can not find a place where it would work? Moving can be stressful but a little extra work would get you a place where you...
  6. fuji9991

    Is a down feather harmful to a chin?

    I have a soft cushion I would like to sit on when playing with my chilla but it has down feathers in its makeup. If a feather gets out and she finds it and eats it would it be harmful? I can not find any information on this through search engines, I found comments about ducks eating them and...