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  1. fuji9991

    Chinchillas prefer being in their cage?!

    I think its a good thing. My chin is the same way she will come out for 20-30 minutes and then go back in the cage, its her home and she seems happiest there.
  2. fuji9991

    Moving with my Chin

    I have moved her 3 times now where I have set the room up the same way for her each time. There is a period of adjustment where she is much more timid than usual but it goes away. You can set everything up in the same place but the sounds and smells of the place will be totally different and...
  3. fuji9991

    We're going to Chinchilla!

    Haha I miss having that kind of imagination, can you imagine going to some magical land full of chinchillas. To be a kid...
  4. fuji9991

    female was spayed yesterday

    that's horrible, did you say she lost two kits, maybe there was some kind of complication with the pregnancy that carried over. So sad I hope she is in peace.
  5. fuji9991

    New chin is too smart and quick for me

    I am fortunate enough to have the space where I set up a bedroom to be a chinchilla room. The walls are lined with untreated pine board so there is nothing she can chew on that would be harmful I have lots of carboard forts for her to explore. So she has a 4 level cage that she lives in but I...
  6. fuji9991

    New chin is too smart and quick for me

    I sit indian style and when she leeps into my lap I kinda surround her with my arms and stand up as I scoope her underneith. Of course I don't do this everytime she is in my lap or she would catch on. You have to kinda use your whole body to catch them and you can only do it if they are in...
  7. fuji9991

    Licking face

    I have to assume it is a show of affection and familiarity. I believe face to face contact is one way they communicate friendship.
  8. fuji9991

    Change in Bathroom behavior

    I thought I was lucky becasue she always went down in the bedding then one day she decided that was too far and started going on the shelf. I threw in the towl litterally and I just put a towl down where she goes now to keep it clean.
  9. fuji9991

    It's been chaos around here!

    oh my gosh that is so sudden it must feel unreal. I reccomend making an appointment for counsiling. That is a heavy load of greif to process and I reccomend doing it with an expert. I know the actor Liam Neeson lost his wife in a sudden ski accident, he talks about it in quite a few...
  10. fuji9991

    I need pics!!

    do you have a link to it on the internet? You can copy paste it by highlighting the whole URL address.
  11. fuji9991


    Its a real shame you want to rescue them from horrible conditions but if you buy them all you do is fund their operation and they will fill the cage on the very next shipment with another poor creature. Its terrible really, do not google anything about Petsmart distribution warehouses either...
  12. fuji9991

    Deciding on adding new feeding regiment

    I switched my girl from Tradition to Oxbow a few years back becasue Tradition is so hard to find in small quantities. I started slowly introducing the oxbwo in small quantities. I think as long as you do it slowly it will be fine. No need to rush it you can keep updating the mix for weeks so...
  13. fuji9991

    Think it's about time to let Smudge go...

    That is so sad to hear, good luck I hope everything works out ok. We all count or blessings for every moment we have/had with them. They are so wonderful and its why it hurts so much.
  14. fuji9991

    Ebony girl!

    she's beautiful. I never noticed how much a chins little hands stand out in contrast to the ebony fur, so cute.
  15. fuji9991

    Breeders selling breeding pair to newbs.

    Seems like some people with out a lot of experience have a casual approach to breeding and that concerns me a lot. I cringe when I see posts on here "getting a mate for my ______"
  16. fuji9991

    Rescue chin happy story and she needs a name!

    When the doctor trimmed the teeth did they use gas? I saw a doctor doing this on youtube and he anesthetized the chinchilla while working on the teeth.
  17. fuji9991

    Rescue chin happy story and she needs a name!

    that is great its such a bummer people not only do so little research on what their pet needs but then at the slightest problem they just dump the issue on someone else. I wish there was some kind of test for being a pet owner. Bless you for giving Hope hope.
  18. fuji9991

    Ohio Field Day Show Date?

    Is there a web site for the show and an agenda of activities will there be vendors and such can someone paint a picture of what occurs at a show?
  19. fuji9991

    Grunting Noise?

    Mine has given me this vocal response at times. sometimes if she is not in the mood for comapny or to be touched, its very rare but yep that seems like the annoyance sound. Over 12 years I still think I have only heard her make a sound a couple dozen times.