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  1. fuji9991

    Licking face

    Its funny when they lick its not like when you lick an icecream cone its like there little toung darts on and off your skin like a sewing machine. she licks my face on occasion we always bump noses I think its a sign of familarity and family with Chinchillas. I can not beleive how sweet...
  2. fuji9991

    What do you use to block escape routes?

    I uninstalled the door and built a special door of untreated pine wood with piano hinges so it opens and closes kinda like an accordion. The boards are about 6.5' to 7' so they are too high to jump but they leave a gap so the room is never fully closed off. I really like how it worked out.
  3. fuji9991

    I don't think my chins will ever love me :(

    I don't think Mrs. Wiggle Whiskers really fully trusted me until she was about 9 or 10. I always saw videos of people giving their chinchillas rubs and holding them and she wasn't like that at all. If I made a quiet sound or shuffled she was off scurrying. Then after about 9 or 10 she started...
  4. fuji9991

    Ideas for new bath

    I would like to make or get a new bath for Mrs. Wiggle Whiskers I think the bath I have for her now is just a little to small. She is a full adult female chin and would just like her to have more room. Is there anywhere to get a larger sized bath I am sure I can figure something out just...
  5. fuji9991

    A sad day likely coming...

    She looks like such a sweetie, thank you for the nice story it really is heart felt how much you have done for chins in need. Bless you and bless this little girl if she takes the journey. <<hugs>>
  6. fuji9991

    kit prolapse - paws crossed everyone!

    sorry for your loss :(
  7. fuji9991

    Hay!!! first cut vs second cut lol

    Nice I will try first cut next time, I'll watch out for moisture I didn't experience any so far and I have ordered from them a few times but I will certainly watch for that.
  8. fuji9991

    Hay!!! first cut vs second cut lol

    Hello I order hay from and they list first cut and second cut hay. I have always got second cut for my girl but is there any netritinoal difference between second and first cut. I have heard second cut is more tender. should I also be buying first cut and mixing it in? Is...
  9. fuji9991

    Very small female chin

    That would be so cool to have a really tiny chin. I hope it turns out not to be a problem and you enjoy a long life together.
  10. fuji9991

    Michigan (Detroit area)

    I don't mind going to livonia or canton for good care. Is there anyone in the northern or northwestern suburbs of metro detroit area?
  11. fuji9991

    RIP Tseng... bye, little one.

    I hope they are waiting for us on the other side so we can see them again. Mu condolences, RIP Tseng
  12. fuji9991

    No Exotics Allowed >:-(

    I knew this would be a headache going in luckly the apartment I wanted ended up not caring that I had a chinchilla. If I do it again I am going to say she is a caged geinni pig. No one can prove beyond reasonable doubt that you knew you had a chinchilla :) Its rediculous that an apartment...
  13. fuji9991

    Holy S*it!!! How'd he do that?!?!?! Share your super intelligent chin stories...

    Chinchillas exist in the seconds inbetween the seconds. I sware sometimes I blink and she is in a different spot. We have a sliding door to her room that I made and she times when I am leaving and manages to get out the door when I have it open and I am turning to close it. I probably look...
  14. fuji9991

    To get two...or not to...

    Have you had chins before? I would say just stick with the one, if you end up still feeling like you want to have two you can get another. But if you get two and find you only want one its not so fair to the chinchilla. Always remember it only takes a couple of seconds for Chinchillas to...
  15. fuji9991

    About to lose my chin :(

    hang in there lil buddy :(
  16. fuji9991

    Need advice!

    Even with a second cage all they need is a moment together to start breeding :( she may even already be pregnant. I am affraid it is nutter or kits.
  17. fuji9991


    I find it takes time for a chinchilla to be comfortable exploring, at least mine. I put a new chaise lounge chair in the room and she explored underneith it immidiately, but even though she can easily jump up in the chair she is still not comfortable being on the chair. I think just give it...
  18. fuji9991

    Chin dust in my hair

    you might start a movement
  19. fuji9991

    Man those horror stories worked!

    I always feel really anxious when I see people post about breeding and they are so nonchalant "like you just get a boy and a girl right?" :banghead: I went through the same thoughts I don't like to think of my chin as lonely but I like the thought of her getting bullied or worse even less. I...
  20. fuji9991

    New chin is too smart and quick for me

    Sounds to me like it will take time. I think over time he will adjust to the new living situation. He probably feels an enourmouse amount of freedom in the gift you are giving him compared to being in a classroom. I bet he will settle in and be comfortable going back in the cage but it could...