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  1. fuji9991

    Happy Birthday Elijah

    hahahahaah great pic
  2. fuji9991

    Tail Mutilation :(

    What is the chinchilla's housing situation. Are they alone a lot? What if you go a second cage to move them into a new situation at times in a more active space. Maybe some legitimate stress will occupy the mind away from made up stress. Just an idea. Wow 19 that is awesome!!
  3. fuji9991

    Very worried :(

    Wow is the guy doing? Sounds like he just bonked his nose. What does the vet do an injection of? Seems strange they would do an injection for a fall. I bet he's just fine now right?
  4. fuji9991

    Moving with a chinchilla

    did you move already? bit the bullet and get that poor little sweetie a carrier, a good one that wont risk them getting out during the move. 30 minutes is a really show distance I have moved my chinchilla in a med. sized cardboard box before, I poked holes in it large enough for me to peer in...
  5. fuji9991

    Chin is bored of hay, how can I get her to eat it?

    Maybe just give it time, I have seen her go for a few days before not eating hay but she always comes back to it. As long as she is still eating pellets. I keep my hay really simple I get the alfalfa hey 2nd cut from this vendor She has eaten many many...
  6. fuji9991

    Need to rant!

    wow that is terrible bless you, what was this guys deal, if he was a, so called, breeder what was he asking for help for is he just going to get 12 more? I agree that guy needs to be introduced to a baseball bat. We don't need people on this earth that lack that much empathy.
  7. fuji9991

    LOUD? Hard for chin to sleep??

    Mrs. Wiggle Whiskers listens to NPR on an antenna radio all day
  8. fuji9991

    Holding my chin

    Don't force it, it took about 3-4 years before my chilla would stop running away from me at the slightest movement. She doesn't like being held now but she tolerates it.
  9. fuji9991

    safe woods

    Just make sure any pine is untreated. Sometimes they treat woods for preservation and outdoor use. The people at a reputable lumber yard will be able to confirm if it is untreated.
  10. fuji9991

    Dandelion Drop Treats

    Cool my girlfreind is new to chinchillas. She currently only gets weat squares and rose hips so I put the breaks on the drops they are going back to the store Wow I didn't realize how big those pictures came out, sorry.
  11. fuji9991

    Dandelion Drop Treats

    My girlfriend wants to treat our chinchilla to something special but I am worried about how chin safe these treats are. Can I get some opinions on these as a treat for safety?
  12. fuji9991

    Is this hut safe?

    Not safe but if you got untreated pine board you could make one just like it.
  13. fuji9991

    Extra applewood sticks

    Oh no charge, sorry for the late reply, I did get a PM from another forum member and am shipping them off today. Thanks for posting and have a happy new year.
  14. fuji9991

    Extra applewood sticks

    I found the tag the woodsticks are from
  15. fuji9991

    Extra applewood sticks

    I have a small priority mail box of apple wood sticks. For some reason my chinchilla does not like them anymore so I wanted to move them on if anyone would like them. I forget who I go them from but it was a chinchilla vendor so they are chinchilla safe. Let me know your address if you would...
  16. fuji9991

    Chin sitting advice

    We are visiting my girlfriends parents and have decided to take her along for the adventure. I am going to get a travel sized cage and we will be gone for 4 days or so. I also have a carrying case for her when she goes to the vet. I think I will have her ride in the care in the carry case and...
  17. fuji9991

    Chin sitting advice

    Hello can you share for me what you typically do if you have to leave town for a few days. Are their services that will come to your home and help keep the cage clean and check food and water? Do you take your chinchilla with you in a small travel cage?
  18. fuji9991

    Ways of Sleeping?

    I have a blanket drapped over the area of the cage where she sleeps. I have still never seen her asleep after 13 years. She always wakes up when I come in.
  19. fuji9991

    Gizzie is gone.

    RIP Gizzie