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  1. 4everchins

    Dwarf Chinchillas?

    I will but right now I am trying build a my line. Dwarf girls will be when they are born. Teddy was that way when I bought him, he was attacked by his former mate. So now his ear is that way now. Oh he was asleep when I took his pic.
  2. 4everchins

    Dwarf Chinchillas?

    You need either carriers or a dwarf male & female carrier, dwarf females should NEVER be breed because of their size. They can have normal sized kits, which she would not be able to deliver. whiskers387 Yes, they can but certain precautions need to be takeing, such as modifying the cage so...
  3. 4everchins

    Dwarf Chinchillas?

    I have been working on dwarfs for all most to years now. They very slow breeders for obvious reasons. Here are some of my dwarfs. Munch~ mosaic he is about three months here. 281g Teddy~ beige and is two years, he is my biggest dwarf.531g Boo~black velvet and has big tude! 291g
  4. 4everchins

    Charlotte has a C-section

    Up Date Charlotte went for a check up today, the vet said she is doing very well!! Her sutures come out tuesday. Her poop is getting bigger and lots of too!! :dance3:
  5. 4everchins

    Tanzanias Kit

    :congrats: Julianne What great gift! :boystork: Glad to see here.
  6. 4everchins

    Charlotte has a C-section

    My tov white ebony out furball lines was due any day. I came home about 12:20 on the 6th and noticed Charlotte was in labor and pushing, I watched nothing happened for about an hour I just thought that maybe she was just at the start of labor. So when nothing was changing by 2:30 we were on our...
  7. 4everchins

    Seminar by Gary Neubauer Nov. 14-15th

    I am in as long as it doesn't conflict with the claiming show!! :dance3: :dance3:
  8. 4everchins

    Lots of kits pics

    Thanks evey one! I am really extitced about these kits, I did some culling/repairing And add some new chins to the herd! I have the d/cs for about year now and have been Working really hard with them.
  9. 4everchins

    Newest Baby

    Now that is one gorgeous baby!!
  10. 4everchins

    Lots of kits pics

    X-30 pink white male born Easter Sunday X-31 tov ebony male born Easter Sunday X-25 dwarf standard male X-24 beige d/c male X-23 beige d/c male
  11. 4everchins

    Lots of kits pics

    Here just some of my latest kits born this year! Enjoy! :thumbsup: X-22 standard poss. s/c female X-29 black velvet s/c female X-20 mosaic male X-26 violet male More Coming
  12. 4everchins

    One of the risks of breeding

    Awww poor baby, Sumiko how is he doing now? I just had this twice happen here, all with 4 days, I had a male with two girls who have been together though both of their last pregnancy's. The one girl delivered trips and fatal attacked the other female, she died two days later along with her...
  13. 4everchins

    CA ECBC Spring Field Day - March 28, 2009

    We all had a great time!! There is something that just stuck out, Donna Read said that California used to have some of the nicest chins, and now we have a lot of pet quality chins here, and we should toughing up our breeding programs. For me it really inspired me!! I also came with five new...
  14. 4everchins

    Ranch names vs non-ranch names

    I agree with Sumkio! Its more about the quality than a brand/name.
  15. 4everchins

    CA ECBC Spring Field Day - March 28, 2009

    Thanks Tabitha!! :thumbsup:
  16. 4everchins

    CA ECBC Spring Field Day - March 28, 2009

    Not much longer now!! :dance3: :dance3: Hey I got question, I have this beautiful little white violet that I was thinking about showing. But the only thing is when he was being weaned one of the boys have nipped his bottom area, (it's all healed up now) But there is some blue-kute on the under...
  17. 4everchins

    CA ECBC Spring Field Day - March 28, 2009

    I love it she judges, I always learn so much!! lol
  18. 4everchins

    feeding tigger =] pics!

    Very cute gecko! I love that last one!! :rofl:
  19. 4everchins

    June the Gecko's Big Shed (Pic Heavy)

    WOW!! Great pics, she is a cutie too!!
  20. 4everchins

    New Leo!

    Here is my new leo "Gex", I have had him for about week now! He is eating & doing fine. Sorry bad pics, I took them after I was done taking pics of chins. lol I be posting those soon!