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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. starleomach

    M.C.B.A. National Show 2012

    I hope to be there
  2. starleomach

    Happy Birthday Carol--eroomlorac!

    Happy Birthday to Carol
  3. starleomach

    Chinchilla bleeding from anus HELP!!

    There is nothing to say other than he needs a vet now
  4. starleomach

    Chinchilla dying- brought to Vet- still looking for tips

    I am sorry for your loss. Sometimes you can tell it is too late for them. Then the best thing to do is end their suffering.
  5. starleomach

    Re-Introducing Myself

    Babies take up a lot of time. And space but it is worth it. I have been barely online since Clara so i feel your pain
  6. starleomach

    Happy Birthday Laurie!!!!! xoxox

    Happy belated birthday
  7. starleomach

    Baby balding??

    I have seen that.q couple of times. Sometimes a first time mom sometimes a mom who got stressed. One of my best mommas did that when she gave birth right after we moved to the barn. I wouldn't worry unless it happens to the same mom a second time
  8. starleomach

    Weaned male kits?

    The problem with that is what happens when Vienna and snickers don't want to be back together? And what if the kits dont sell and she has another litter. And what if one kit is a girl and one is a boy? You will need a 3rd cage.
  9. starleomach

    Chin and German Shepherd

    I would not let the dog and chinchilla directly interact. It just isn't safe. But you can own both.
  10. starleomach

    Pictures Needed

    Next photo shoot I will get some for you. But you can use any of mine you would like from my site or here or anything
  11. starleomach

    Potty training Chinchillas

    It isn't so much training chinchillas. as much as it is training yourself to know where they pee. I don't bother it is just as easy to just clean the whole cage out. I clean twice a week. when I only had 1 or 2 I cleaned once a week
  12. starleomach

    Thank you, Stacie!!!

    You are a fabulous person and deserve so much!
  13. starleomach

    hi everyone! new to CnH

    Welcome what a sad event. How many did you have?
  14. starleomach

    How many babies in 2011??

    147 which is a bit more than ever before but I expanded a bit
  15. starleomach

    what mutation??

    I have several in breeding like that he is a hereto ebony.
  16. starleomach

    Male Chin behavior?

    This is normal and there is no way to stop it
  17. starleomach

    Need a Veterinarian

    Midwest exotics is good, as is VCA noyes in Barrington, Algonquin animal clinic on 31 in crystal lake is experianced with chinchillas as well. Hilltop animal hospital in palatine is great as well
  18. starleomach

    Not Buyer Beware, but Seller Beware

    I have had people get nasty over me not being available 24/7 or call at 2 am wanting to come by, that is why I have a separate phone for the chinchillas that I ignore when it is not convinent for me