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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. starleomach

    Should I tell my dad the truth?

    Honesty is the best policy
  2. starleomach

    number of kits affect due date?

    I would think it would be the same as any pregnancy, more babies usually early labor, new moms go over. 111 days is an estimation it is 111-120 days and is truly just an estimate.
  3. starleomach

    I sent a baby Hedgie home 2 months ago, today it died...

    I don't breed Hedgies but with chinchillas I give 2 weeks for replacement. As hard as it is it seems anything past the longest illness gestation is not the breeders fauly. it is likely something the owner did. So unless they prove it was a congenital defect once it is past the 1-2 week mark it...
  4. starleomach

    Ohio field day show

    I will be going. Last time it was cool enough for the chinchillas to stay in the truck overnight. We just got going really early
  5. starleomach

    Curious about pedigrees

    what it comes down to is please do not breed your two rescues together, I know you say you are not going to and she came pregnant but every single person who has two chinchillas of the oposite sex and don't know the background ask these exact same questions saying they are just curious and they...
  6. starleomach

    What to include when chins are adopted?

    I just give food, and the pedigree. I tend to email a care booklet before purchase
  7. starleomach

    What color is she??

    I agree with Peggy. Beige
  8. starleomach

    Curious about pedigrees

    It is frowned upon to breed pretty much any animal without a pedigree, Just like a pedigree does not make an animal breedable. The thing about not knowing the background of a chinchilla (or any animal) is not all genetic issues are directly inherited a lot of them are recessive. And how do you...
  9. starleomach

    Hegehog themed wedding

    It is your wedding and you should do what will make you happy, everyone else is going for the food, drink and dancing. Make it special for you
  10. starleomach

    Dried Grains/Veggies?

    No, no fruits or veggies
  11. starleomach

    When to give up on a kit?

    sometimes when they are pre-mature they need to finish growing on the inside before growing on the outside.
  12. starleomach

    Wisconsin ECBC Field Day April 28!

    Cathy, It is next weekend LOL today is the 22, the show is April 28th
  13. starleomach

    When to give up on a kit?

    I agree with Peggy...and everyone else I give up when they die...even when I am sure they are going to die. It is hard to live with what if I did this...
  14. starleomach

    Chin Colour

    It looks like a hetero beige...homo beiges are very very pale.
  15. starleomach

    Shy Male Breeding

    You shouldn't have a wheel in a breeding cage...just because you do not see breeding does not mean it is not happening
  16. starleomach

    Thought I found a good deal......

    I agree try a feed store. 1 bag around 5.00 cleans my whole barn of 150 chinchillas. It will work wonders for 2 lol
  17. starleomach

    Ohio feld day date?

    Oh good it is later in the month...That makes thins WAaaaay easier for me this year.!
  18. starleomach

    Wisconsin ECBC Field Day April 28!

    I am going to try to make it to this one with a few animals..especially since I don't know if I will be making the October show this year....
  19. starleomach

    Question about being pregnant and careing for chins

    I had 100 chinchillas with my last pregnancy took care of them up until the day i gave birth and cleaned cages the day we came home from the hospital. I am up to 150 or so chinchillas and expecting again...still going strong
  20. starleomach

    Bad breeders and unethical behavior.

    Lillybabe, You do not need a USDA liscense to breed and sell chinchillas unless you are selling to a petstore. If you sell out of your home you don't need anything. There are so many people breeding rescues, There is a breeder near me that does it. Takes in rescues and breeds them actually a...