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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. starleomach

    Chin is sick please help

    He needs a vet
  2. starleomach

    Temporary Chinchilla Cage

    Yes that fine for a few days . I use a ferret barn at my house when i have to bring someone home to watch
  3. starleomach

    WI chin events

    I am happy the date got pushed back LOL...i have some awsome babies growing out and I am due the 12 so it is likely I will have already had her by then and be able to make it
  4. starleomach

    Care post rectal prolapse

    Don't worry about the clean up until he is better. I have only had 1 chinchilla survive prolapse and that is king...there is a thread here about the whole thing. But I am on my phone so I cannot post a link. But the last thing to worry about is cleaning him.
  5. starleomach

    Accepting help paying vet bills?

    If you need the help accept it...and when you are again in a position to pass it on help out someone else
  6. starleomach


    I have never had an issue with fleas or ticks on the chinchillas, their fur is so dense it is much less likely. Not impossible but improbable
  7. starleomach

    Orphaned 3 week old kits...

    Chinchillas should not be kept outside, they will die from the heat. Chinchilla kits need to be fed every two hours around the clock goats milk from an eye dropper
  8. starleomach

    Greetings From Illinois

    Welcome, It is nice to see another illiniosian here
  9. starleomach

    "Clicking" sound with newborn kit?

    I am so glad to hear she is improving! Usually when I hear clicking I assume it is fluid in the lungs
  10. starleomach

    Can you get pink-eye from your chinchilla?

    Yes pink eye is one thing that is transmisable between animals and people, it is a bacteria, not a virus
  11. starleomach

    Are Petsmart chins okay?

    Most of what you said is accurate, you won't know the age or background..but the statement of petsmart chinchillas comming from unreputable breeders is not true. Petsmart chinchillas come from ranchers who wholesale their animals...they are some of the best breeders out there., Mind you the...
  12. starleomach

    weighing in

    I only weigh when i think something is amiss. I used to weigh once q month but when it got to taking hours to get them all done.....
  13. starleomach

    fruit/sugar and bloat/stasis

    With anything moderation is key and since many people cannot handle moderation it is safer and easier to say none .
  14. starleomach

    Light Ebony or Standard? How can you tell?

    Standards have a nice bright white belly...light ebonies and medium ebonies do not have a bright white belly
  15. starleomach

    URGENT HELD NEEDED!!! please find it your heart.

    How does that even happen. I mean how does a dog get THAT many ticks???? Poor babies and Momma
  16. starleomach

    Ohio field day show

    I am going to pick up supplies but not showing either.
  17. starleomach

    Do some chins never learn to like other chins?

    Some will always need to be alone
  18. starleomach

    To old to be single?

    You are not to old. If you can't be happy single you will never be happy with someone else. Just enjoy it while it lasts
  19. starleomach

    another 'Think real hard before you breed'

    I had a similar issue and even with antibiotics Oklahoma went toxic and died. By the time we knew there was an issue (the night she delivered with assistance) the toxicity was in her bloodstream. Breeding is not for the faint of heart