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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. starleomach

    When re-homing a chinchilla...

    odds are now she will just lie
  2. starleomach

    Chinchilla ate a Candle!

    Just keep an eye on her poops to make sure she does not get a blockage for about 24 hours
  3. starleomach

    Genetic/breeding research

    There is also a book by Alice Kline slightly out dated but it is a genetics book you can purchase it through mutation or empress I believe
  4. starleomach

    What happen to my chin

    Are you sure they are the same sex?
  5. starleomach

    Chin Chewing on Silver Surfer

    They will chew on everything
  6. starleomach

    Chin bath options

    I use the ryerson's metal dust pans or metal or ceramic dog bowls
  7. starleomach

    bonded chins started fighting. please help

    Sometimes that happens did one 99 them just reach puberty. Sometimes when one hits puberty there is a do mince struggle again
  8. starleomach

    Chinchillas Grooming Penises

    If you put a disclaimer nope fine you don't need to worry that you are posting chinnie porn
  9. starleomach

    splitting up a family

    I agree move the males on keep the females who are likely pregnant
  10. starleomach

    Looking for a mosaic or ebony female in PA

    Dee of Humble Acre chinchillas is in Rochester NY she has beautiful animals. I am not near you but am planning on starting to ship using
  11. starleomach

    I'm at a loss....

    I am sorry for your loss. Unfortunately sometimes it just happens I would clean the cage and that is it monitor your other chinchilla
  12. starleomach

    New chinchilla?

    You should get yourself a new chinchilla no it will never be Lucy but it could be just as great as she was
  13. starleomach

    urgent help / advice please dental problem

    I agree no decision can be made with out an xray. Randomly filing could cause major issues if say he has an abscess from a piece of hay...
  14. starleomach


    She is still selling it she sent several orders out yesterday. I was down there visiting her. Try sending her an email today she may have been having computer issues
  15. starleomach

    How cold is too cold for my chin?

    My chinchilla barn is around 50 in the winter l
  16. starleomach

    Water Bottle Help!

    I had issues with the bottle pictured above being stopped water coming out at all. There will always be some leaking you may even have a girl that is playing in the water
  17. starleomach

    Chinchilla fur matting

    Some chinchillas are messy keepers and get matts. You can remove those with a firm quick tug easily. As to the feed just like people chinchillas have tines when they will be less hungry and just eat a bit less. Just monitor her to keep an eye out for other issues and check her water intake but...
  18. starleomach

    Chin suddenly smells??

    Is it the chinchilla that smells or his cage? What do his poops look like. Are they normal. Is he peeing or getting water in his feed. That can lead to a horrible smell.
  19. starleomach

    One of chin's ears is laid back?

    I agree very normal
  20. starleomach

    Want a male chin baby, Saint Louis MO

    Kansas City has great animals. I am 5 hours from you. I just had someone up last week from St Louis area