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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. starleomach

    Not Buyer Beware, but Seller Beware

    I take photos of all the babies every few weeks and update my website. If someone wants more photos they are out of luck unless I have others. But every chinchilla photoed is that chinchilla. I have been tempted to use other photos though LOL My chinchilla barn is devided in half with my show...
  2. starleomach

    Not Buyer Beware, but Seller Beware

    We all have. I had someone threaten to call DCFS and have my daughter removed because I would not sell them the chinchilla they wanted. I pretty much said go ahead. but it got so bad I had to take all the emails to the sherifs and a lawyer. sad thing was he was a professional with a buisness
  3. starleomach


    Go Daddy is a great site for websites
  4. starleomach

    Probios - alternative to Bene Bac

    I pick up and keep a tube of horse probiotics in my fridge. I will look when I get home to see the brand
  5. starleomach

    Spontaneous mutation?

    White covers TOV as does Dark Ebony.
  6. starleomach

    Guess your Secret Santa 2011

    1. I'm in my mid- 20's 2. I have three chinchillas 3. One of my chins is named after an animal on Star Trek Are all my clues. I had it narrowed down but need to do more stalking and just haven't had a chance
  7. starleomach

    Giving Chins as Christmas Gifts

    It depends on the situation. Sometimes it is a planned gift with research.
  8. starleomach

    Any reputable breeders in MN/WIS?

    There is also Brenda Walters in WI and Wendy (designerchins) in WI
  9. starleomach

    Fertility question for breeders

    Yup, People always forget it is the same in people and animals. You can only have as many babies as eggs momma produces.
  10. starleomach

    How to tell the age of a chinchilla?

    Count the rings on his tail....(Kidding) No date from a breeder there is no way to know
  11. starleomach

    Prayers needed for a Christmas Miracle

    I am so sorry. I understand. We missed seeing my Grandma before she passed by just a few hours as we were trying to get back home to NY to see her. I will pray for a peaceful passing and good memories for you
  12. starleomach


    There are so many woods on the safe list I would just avoid woods that are not on the list. Plenty to pick from that are
  13. starleomach

    Announcement Regarding Me & LifeLine

    Dawnna is doing great and improving in leaps and bounds. I have been going to see her weekly and I am thrilled with how she is doing. ALready up and about all by herself
  14. starleomach

    "Dwarf" Chinchillas

    Dwarves pop up in almost every herd now and again. Most reputable breeders split the pairs up as soon as that happens. They are cute but they are a novelty. They are not bred for show and are bred for profit for the most part. I am not saying that as an insult. If you can breed something and...
  15. starleomach

    Sapphire beige

    beige/violet/sapphire. what it comes down to is I really don't know any reputable breeders who regularly breed sapphire-beiges Sapphires need so much work it is just not a good idea to breed them to a bunch of other mutations. and beginner breedes should aviod breeding the recessives until...
  16. starleomach

    Finally "Growing up"

  17. starleomach

    Rescuing VS buying from petstore or breeder

    There is good and bad in all groups. I have seen people that "rescue" intentionally breed those rescues, or turn a profit re-homing "recues" and I have seen some great rescues that I have been proud to donate to. I have seen great ranchers and bad ranchers and good petstores and bad ones. And...
  18. starleomach

    Sapphire beige

    I don't see the point of Beige violets or Beige Sapphires. So I don't have any photos have you tried a search?
  19. starleomach

    "Dwarf" Chinchillas

    I have had 2 "dwarves" born here. Both times I split the parents up. They had short stubby tails and short Stubby feet. Heads that I am not even sure how to properly describe. I kept the female so that I could be 100% sure she would never be bred and sold the male to a pet home for 50.00 Not...
  20. starleomach

    Bad Relationships...BOO!

    It is hard now it will get better, You need to be happy alone before you will be happy with someone. I bet he has moved on and now wants to see you haven't. It is hard but you need to just cut all ties and heal. I took several years after a bad relationship, then dated a couple of people (not at...