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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Tagna

    Chinnie wheels - Which to choose?

    Quality Cage in the USA. You will be hit with duty that is equal to the shipping basically double the cost of the wheel. Plus you have exchange it to Canadian funds. Very expensive but worth it! The only proper wheel you can buy in Canada is the Flying Saucer which Flowertown Chinchillas...
  2. Tagna

    Bloated with fluid

    Thought I should update as it has been a while! So we redid the ultrasound as nothing was changing. She had a thorough ultrasound and the fluid is not in her cecum. They then ruled out many other areas and decided to drain some fluid and send it out. Clear fluid and it appears to be in her...
  3. Tagna

    Bloated with fluid

    Thanks Dawn. She was a rescue but has been on Oxbow pellets, timothy hay and occasional orchard grass hay. The only treat is a once a week pinch of rosehips. With rescues it's hard to know what she was fed previously! My vet will be in tomorrow so I will get the x rays and ultrasound then...
  4. Tagna

    Bloated with fluid

    So after the ultrasound we know where the fluid is. In the cecum. No gas showing up in either the x ray or ultrasound. Treating it as bloat but still don't know the cause. If we can get the fluid down then she will have another ultrasound to see if anything shows up. I will post the ultrasound...
  5. Tagna

    Bloated with fluid

    Am at the vets now but I have a chin with obvious signs of bloating. She is acting the same just huge. She is pooping normally. So xray done and she is full of fluid. Not looking like it it is from her bladder. No stones. So they are doing an ultrasound now to see better. Anyone deal with...
  6. Tagna

    Can I feed my chin these no name pellets?

    Looks like No Name brand food from Loblaws. I would never feed anything from them to any of my pets. While your choices in Canada are more limited, Oxbow and Mazuri are easy to find. Stick with either of those.
  7. Tagna

    When re-homing a chinchilla...

    My rescue has an application and part of that is sending a cage pic. We don't approve until the cage is set up correctly and we know they are ready for a chin. Of course people can go elsewhere but we do our best to make sure the chins are adopted to their final home.
  8. Tagna

    water bottle brand that actually works?

    I use Lixit's, both the 8oz and 16oz glass ones and have no issues. I get a lot of super pet ones that come in with rescues and find they always leak.
  9. Tagna

    Help with mix food contents

    I agree with just throwing it out. Rescues come in with crap food all the time and I do a cold switch to Oxbow.
  10. Tagna

    Surprise baby kit!!!

    Not sure where in Canada you are but I cat my baby proof cages from Sunny Meadow Cages in Barrie. They ship across the country.
  11. Tagna

    Choosing a New Wheel

    I have saucers, surfers, ed and chin spin wheels. I prefer the chin spin out of all of them. I find the surfers are noisiest out of them all. I have some marathon runners!
  12. Tagna

    Is my beige chinchilla beige?

    I find beige chins never photo well which is why I knew she was a beige based on your first pics. I have many badly lit pics of beige chins. Lol. Takes me ages to get pics of the rescues up when they are beige!
  13. Tagna

    Is my beige chinchilla beige?

    Looks like a beige to me.
  14. Tagna


    Up the amount of critical care. 60-80 mls per day for a chin not eating. You need to get her gut moving.
  15. Tagna

    Pawing when eating rosehips?

    I hate whole rosehips. It is actually it itchy stuff inside. The stuff they make itching powder from I have heard. I give the cut and sifted rosehips. No itchy stuff then.
  16. Tagna

    What can I do?

    1. Yes they can. They are very active during the evening. 2. No treats til 6 months. Properly prepared wood should not affect his poop. Try the hay only and if that does not work get a fecal done. 3. Give him lots of toys. He will always want to come out but is too young for long playtimes.
  17. Tagna

    Chinchilla eye infection please help!!!

    Get some saline and give his eye some saline rinses. If it does not improve he will need to get medicated drops. I can't see the pic.
  18. Tagna

    Plastic, Crossbar or Too Small Wheel?

    The expense of a proper wheel is worth it. I have paid a lot for wheels as shipping and duty are insane to Canada even. Save up for it and get a proper wheel. They last a lifetime.
  19. Tagna

    420 Chinchillas Rescued

    That is a lot of chins getting adopted. I cannot imagine what will happen in 6 months when many are returned or sent to rescues.